Curbside garbage collection takes place every week, usually on the same day every week, with some adjustments for holidays.
Use the ReCollect tool on our Garbage & Recycling page to find your collection date and to schedule reminders.
What time do I place garbage at the curb? |
Place garbage at the curb:
How many garbage bags or garbage cans can I put out? |
Thunder Bay Solid Waste & Recycling's two-item limit aligns with recommendations of the Solid Waste Management Strategy, and with best practices in Ontario. |
Garbage item tags for third garbage items |
How to Purchase Garbage Item Tags
How to Use a Garbage Item Tag
"One Free Bag" days |
You can put out a third item of garbage, FREE (no tag required) on your first collection date after:
How to put garbage out |
Garbage item size and weight limits |
A garbage can may contain several bags. |
What not to put out! |
Do not put out:
Medical exception to garbage item limit |
Certain Thunder Bay households may need to set out more than the weekly garbage item limit due to medical circumstances. Under these circumstances, you may apply to increase the limit of waste to a maximum of three items per collection day. Approved applicants may be provided up to a maximum of 52 garbage tags per year, enough for an extra item of garbage each week. To be eligible for the exemption, complete and return the medical exception application. |
Reduce waste with the six Rs!
- Rethink: Think about waste before you buy. Avoid "disposable" products.
- Refuse: Try not to bring home bags and containers. When possible, use your own instead.
- Reduce: Use reusable containers and bags instead of disposable ones.
- Reuse: Charitable organizations and thrift shops can take reusable items you no longer need.
- Repair: Be handy! Fix items instead of replacing them.
- Recycle: Recycle everything you can.
For more information on garbage collection, call City's Dispatch line at 807-625-2195.
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