City Council passes by-laws, or municipal laws, under authority from the Province of Ontario. The Province authorizes what the municipality can regulate. The City's Licensing and Enforcement Division enforces these by-laws in our community.
View our commonly requested by-laws below, report a by-law complaint, or view our searchable Corporate Policy Database.
Commonly requested by-laws*
Animal and wildlife by-laws |
Fireworks |
Licensing by-laws |
Parking and traffic by-laws |
Property maintenance by-laws |
Sign by-laws |
Shopping cart by-law |
Taxi by-law |
Report a compliment, concern or suggestion using our taxi service report form. |
Zoning by-law |
The zoning by-law controls land use across the City and follows the City's Official Plan. Each zone has different regulations. Make sure you know what you can build before you buy property or apply for a building permit. |
*These commonly requested by-laws are provided for convenience only. For full and complete accurate reference, consult copies of the official by-laws and documents available at the Office of the City Clerk.
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