The Meals on Wheels Home Support Program provides individualized, full-course meals prepared by Pioneer Ridge dietary staff for people in need of assistance in our community. This service helps individuals maintain independence.
Browse our History of Meals On Wheels video or read the Meals on Wheels Fact Sheet
Meals on Wheels Q & A
- Are homebound and have chronic disabilities or chronic illness
- Are 65 years of age or older who have difficulties preparing meals
- Are 18 years of age or older who have disabilities that prevent them from preparing meals
- Are not preparing nutritious, adequate meals because they are ill, recovering from surgery or a broken limb, or dealing with mental health issues
To find out if you are eligible please contact 807-625-3667
Each meal is $8.00 (no tax or delivery charge) for a nourishing meal which includes:
- Hot soup
- Hot entree (meat, starch, and two types of vegetables)
- Cold dessert
- Cold, ready-to-eat weekend meal (delivered Friday). Cost $5.50 per meal
No, a professional referral is not necessary. Clients may be referred by a family member or may contact us themselves to arrange for meal delivery.
Yes, we offer full time (Monday - Friday), part time (minimum 2 days/week), or temporary respite meal service. Our temporary service may be a week, two weeks, or until you find you can manage on your own. Should you wish to transition from temporary to part-time or full-time service, we can also accommodate this.
Meals begin going out at 10:30 am - 12:30 pm from our central location: Pioneer Ridge. Mid-day meals are delivered by qualified, reliable, friendly volunteers who also provide a client security check. The meals are kept in thermal delivery bags to ensure they come to your door nice and hot! Desserts are kept in thermal bags as well to ensure desired temperature is maintained during delivery. Clients need to be home during delivery time to accept their meal.
- Independence in your home
- Improved health; nutritious meals prepared daily
- Social support; a friendly volunteer comes with the meal every day
- Peace of mind; our security check gives the friends, family, and client peace of mind knowing that someone is looking in on their loved one each day
You can make a monetary donation at the main Meals on Wheels office located at Jasper Place,1200 Jasper Drive Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6N7. Our office is open Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.

To apply for Meals on Wheels:
Thunder Bay: 625-3667
The Meals on Wheels program has volunteer opportunities for adults, service groups, corporate volunteers & students. Our volunteers deliver a hot nutritious meal Monday - Friday to seniors in need in our community. These meals are delivered mid-morning between 10:30 am - 12:30 pm. We have two types of volunteer positions: drivers and servers. Our drivers receive a quarterly gas honorarium as a thank you for using their own vehicles. Join our team and receive many health benefits such as meeting new people and light exercise. Bring a friend if you wish and deliver meals as a team! Volunteer once or twice per week, every two weeks, or on a casual basis. Any time donated to this great program is valuable. To become a volunteer complete an application and submit to the Program Manager, 1200 Jasper Drive P7B 6N7
Meals on Wheels Volunteer Application: Volunteer Application
For further information, or to volunteer please email our Program Manager or call 807-684-3048.
"MORE THAN JUST A MEAL" A non-profit Community Support Program providing "Home-delivered fare beyond compare" (since 1968).
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