Transit Services provides public transit within the City of Thunder Bay city limits. Thunder Bay Transit conventional buses are 100% accessible with low-floors, ramps, a kneeling feature, on-board stop announcements, and priority and courtesy seating. Trip planning features include Thunder Bay Transit schedules and maps, Transit appNextLift, and Google Maps. Stop times are also available by calling Transit Services customer service at (807) 684-3744. Please board the bus through the front door and exit by the rear door. Customers requiring mobility assistance or using the bike racks may exit by the front door. 

Provide Feedback or Report an Issue

Questions, compliments, complaints and suggestions can be submitted using the online feedback form. A customer service representative will review all submissions. Any personal information you provide will remain confidential.

Conventional Transit

Modifications have been made to a number of Thunder Bay Transit routes. For full details please see our updated schedules for all routes on our Schedules and Maps page.

We continue to make every effort to keep a reliable transit service operating for those that require it and thank you all for your patience and understanding.

Lift+ Specialized Transit

Lift+ Specialized Transit is Thunder Bay's door-to-door paratransit service, which may be for residents and visitors who, due to a disability, are not able to use Thunder Bay Transit for all or part of their trips. Lift+ is public transit and services most locations within city limits.

For more detailed information please see our Lift+ Specialized Transit page.

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Transit Trip Planner

e.g. Intercity Shopping Centre, 500 Donald St. E., etc e.g. Intercity Shopping Centre, 500 Donald St. E., etc

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