Proclamations help to create a public awareness of special events and are intended for the betterment of the community. Occasionally the City receives requests from organizations or internal departments to declare or proclaim certain dates for specific causes (e.g. Race Relations Week, International Women's Day, etc.). A proclamation may be issued for a day, a week or a month.

Requesting a proclamation

The City's policy states that proclamations are undertaken only on matters that relate directly to the specific operations of the municipality. Once reviewed and approved the Proclamation will be posted on the City website.

Proclamation Application 

Proclamation requests must be sent to the Office of the City Clerk three (3) weeks prior to the special occasion. Return the completed form to:

Office of the City Clerk Attn: Proclamations
500 Donald Street East, First Floor
Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 5V3

Fax: 807-625-2233

If you are requesting a proclamation for the first time, please provide details on your organization and the relevance of the proclamation to the City of Thunder Bay. As well, please provide a draft of the proclamation. The Office of the City Clerk reserves the right to edit the proclamation to ensure proper format and grammar.

 *Please submit your most up to date proclamation wording at the time of application.

 *Please remember to fill out the "Invite the Mayor" request form if you are looking to have the Mayor attend your ceremony/event. 



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Polycystic Kidney Disease Awareness Day 2023

Posted on Monday, September 04, 2023 08:00 AM


WHEREAS, Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the most common life-threatening genetic diseases, affecting approximately 1 in 400 to 1 in 1,000 people. Today, approximately 66,000 Canadians and millions of people worldwide live with PKD; and

WHEREAS, the PKD Foundation of Canada is the only national charitable organization dedicated to fighting PKD through programs of research, advocacy, education, support and awareness in order to discover vital treatments and a cure for...

Arthritis Awareness Month 2023

Posted on Friday, September 01, 2023 08:00 AM


WHEREAS, community support has been critical throughout the Arthritis Society Canada’s 75-year history, enabling the organization to fulfill its mission to fight the fire of arthritis with cutting-edge research, bold innovation, fiery advocacy, and evidence-based information and patient-centered support.

WHEREAS, arthritis is not just arthritis. Arthritis is serious. It causes debilitating pain, restricts mobility and diminishes quality of life. Six million Canadians – 1 in 5 –...

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 2023

Posted on Friday, September 01, 2023 08:00 AM


WHEREAS, September is officially recognized internationally as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month; and

WHEREAS, the most recent data shows that cancer remains the leading cause of disease-related death in children and also that incidence rates of childhood cancer are increasing; and

WHEREAS, cancer in children affects aspects of their physical, emotional, and social development, as well as their family and school life, effects which research shows are long-lasting; and


Prostate Cancer Awareness Month 2023

Posted on Friday, September 01, 2023 08:00 AM


WHEREAS, prostate cancer is the most common cancer risk to affect Canadian men; and

WHEREAS, 1 in 8 Canadian men will be diagnosed with the disease; and

WHEREAS, the survival rate for prostate cancer can be close to 100% when detected early; and

WHEREAS, 97% of cases occur in men age 50 and over; and

WHEREAS, awareness and conversations about prostate cancer can lead to screening and early detection saves lives; and

WHEREAS, the City of Thunder Bay supports Prostate Cancer Support...

National Injury Prevention Day 2023

Posted on Wednesday, July 05, 2023 08:00 AM

JULY 5, 2023

WHEREAS, July 5, 2023 will mark Parachute’s 7th annual National Prevention Day (NIPD): a day to raise awareness around the importance of injury prevention and help Canadians to live long lives to the fullest through education and advocacy; and

WHEREAS, Parachute is Canada’s national charity dedicated to reducing the devastating impact of preventable injuries; and

WHEREAS, injury is the No. 1 killer of Canadians aged 1 to 44 and costs the Canadian economy $29.4 billion a year; and