
Coalition to End Human Trafficking Launches New Website
Posted on Monday, February 22, 2021 05:30 AM
Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Ontario and as such, the Thunder Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking launched a new website to help educate people about human trafficking and to provide community supports and services for survivors/victims.
“Thunder Bay remains one of the top six hubs in Ontario for human trafficking, so it’s important to continue to help victims and survivors access resources, while also educating the community about this largely under-reported crime,”...
Call for Nominations – 2021 Respect Awards
Posted on Monday, February 01, 2021 06:45 AM
Nominations open today for the City of Thunder Bay’s 9th annual respect. Awards. The respect. Awards, established by the Respect Initiative Working Group and sponsored by Diversity Thunder Bay, recognize individuals, businesses, or organizations that have demonstrated leadership in enhancing diversity, inclusion, equity and respect for others. Two respect. Awards will be awarded this year: one for an individual and one for an organization or business.
“These awards offer an...Call for Talent, Vendors, Artists/Artisans, and Community Groups
Posted on Thursday, January 28, 2021 04:30 AM
The City of Thunder Bay is inviting performing artists, food vendors, product & service vendors, artists/artisans, and community groups to apply to participate in the City’s annual events series.
In response to Provincial orders and physical distancing mandates, it is anticipated that the City’s summer programming will look different than previous years. With public safety being the top priority, events staff are planning innovative ways of delivering events without encouraging the large...
Notice of Surplus Lands
Posted on Friday, January 15, 2021 09:45 AM
Notice is hereby given that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay, at its meeting held on Monday, January 11, 2021, declared the following land and easement interests surplus to the City's requirements:
- (C218) The City’s interest in the vacant property municipally known as 714 Brodie Street North, containing a site area of 187.8 m² (2,021.46 ft²), be sold to the abutting property owner for lot enlargement purposes;
- (D62) The City transfer an easement interest over a portion of...

Proposed 2021 City Budget Released
Posted on Tuesday, January 05, 2021 05:15 AM
The proposed 2021 Municipal Budget forms the starting point for City Council’s detailed review. This year’s budget provides an increase in the municipal tax levy after growth of $4 million or 2%. The impact of COVID-19 is excluded from the levy and is proposed to be funded by Federal-Provincial Safe Restart grant funding and reserve funds.
“This is a responsible budget that has met Council direction,” said Norm Gale, City Manager. “In addition to capturing the expected impact of COVID-19, this budget...
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