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Christmas Wrapping Not Recyclable

Posted on Thursday, December 18, 2014 07:00 PM

December 19, 2014 - Thunder Bay residents are reminded that the brightly-coloured or foil wrapping paper often used during the Christmas season cannot be recycled because of its high ink content.

"Recool will not collect blue bags that contain wrapping paper left at the curb, nor will they collect wrapping paper brought to recycling depots," said Jason Sherband, Coordinator Solid Waste Diversion and Recycling, Roads Division. "Wrapping paper must be put out with your regular garbage.

Residents are...

Holiday Changes to Garbage and Recycling Collection

Posted on Thursday, December 18, 2014 07:00 PM

December 19, 2014 - Garbage and recycling collection dates for all residents and businesses change for the weeks of Dec. 22 and Dec. 29 as there is no collection on Thursday, Dec. 25, Friday, Dec. 26 or Thursday, January 1, 2014.

AREA                            NEW DATES OVER HOLIDAYS

Area 1 - BLUE Cards

Calendar Parking Restrictions Now in Effect

Posted on Tuesday, December 16, 2014 07:00 PM

December 17, 2014 - Due to weather conditions, city-wide calendar parking restrictions are coming into effect starting today.

"The implementation of calendar parking restrictions for this winter is based on recent snowfall, as well as the forecast, which is calling for more snow," said James Coady, Manager - Parking Authority. "Motorists are asked to obey posted calendar parking signs, and allow our crews to remove snow from City roadways more efficiently."

Calendar parking applies to residential...