EarthCare Thunder Bay was created by the citizens of Thunder Bay to form a partnership between the community and the City with a common vision to secure the environmental health of our city.

EarthCare's Journey So Far:

1997: The City of Thunder Bay signs on to join the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ ‘20% Club’ thereby committing to reducing corporate and community greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20% of 1990 levels within 10 years of joining.

2003: The City joins the Partners for Climate Protection program and commits to a reduction of community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the creation and implementation of a plan.

2004: City Council unanimously passes a resolution to support the creation of the City’s first Community Environmental Action Plan (CEAP). The Thunder Bay Zero Waste Action Team (ZWAT) and community partners establish a CEAP Steering Committee.

2005: EarthWise Thunder Bay (now EarthCare) is created to facilitate the creation and implementation of the CEAP. The City hires the first EarthWise Thunder Bay Coordinator (Sustainability Coordinator).

2007: GHG inventories are developed for the City of Thunder Bay and the community.

2008: The City adopts its first CEAP, committing to a Corporate GHG reduction target of 35% below 2005 levels by 2017 and community GHG reduction target of 10% below 2005 levels by 2017.

2010: The City establishes an Energy Management Committee for the Corporation.

2011: The City adopts the 2011-2014 Strategic Plan, with strategic goals to implement the CEAP and reduce GHG emissions. The City adopts the Urban Forestry Management Plan and develops its first Corporate Energy Management Plan.

2012: The City establishes a Corporate Green Team.

2013: EarthWise is rebranded to EarthCare Thunder Bay.

2014: The EarthCare Sustainability Plan (2014-2020) is adopted, replacing the CEAP and previous GHG reduction target, committing to a Corporate and community GHG reduction target of 20% below 2009 levels by 2020. The Corporate Energy Management Plan is updated. The City adopts the Solid Waste Management Strategy.

2015: The City adopts Climate-Ready City: City of Thunder Bay Climate Adaptation Strategy, recognizing the need for a targeted strategy to build community resilience and adapt to climate change.

2016: The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay exceeds its emissions reduction target at 24% below 2009 levels. The City adopts the Thunder Bay Stormwater Management Plan.

2019: The City adopts:

  • The Official Plan that includes goals to mitigate climate change and reduce GHG emissions.
  • The Transportation Master Plan, and Active Transportation Plan, that includes recommendations to support climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • The Corporate Energy Management Plan (2019-2024) with a target of 2-5% reduction of energy consumption per year.
  • The Strategic Asset Management Policy that includes consideration of the social, economic, and environmental risks and vulnerabilities of municipal infrastructure assets including risks relating to climate change and the actions that may be required.

2020: City Council declares a climate emergency.

2021: City Council adopts Climate-Forward City: Thunder Bay Net-Zero Strategy and sets a community-wide GHG reduction target of net-zero by 2050. City Council reaffirms this commitment by joining the UN Cities Race to Zero Campaign and set an interim GHG target of 55% below 2016 levels by 2030. The final report on the progress made on the EarthCare Sustainability Plan (2014-2020) is presented to City Council.

2022: The City of Thunder Bay makes the CDP Cities A List, which recognizes cities that have received the highest score for their transparency and bold climate action, and celebrates their achievements, vision, and commitment to the fight against climate change.

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