Volunteering is a great way to give back to our community, learn new skills, meet new friends, gain work experience and have fun!

To volunteer with the City, volunteers must complete the on-boarding process in place as well as meet the requirements for the specific volunteer role.  


General Volunteer On-Boarding


Complete the online volunteer application

On-Boarding Process

All volunteers with the Recreation and Culture Division are required to complete the general onboarding process, which includes the following steps:
  1. Application: Start the on-boarding process by completing the online application (link above). 
  2. Interview: Once your application has been recieved and reviewed, selected applicants will receive an email inviting them to an interview. This is an opportunity for us to learn about you, your interests, and your experiences.  
  3. References: After an interview, successful candidates will be asked to provide two reference checks. Recommended references include supervisors, coaches, teammates, or peers—anyone (outside of your household) who can speak to your skills and abilities.
  4. Training: Upon receiving your references, successful candidates will be sent required training materials, which include the Volunteer Handbook, AODA, WHMIS, and Workplace Health and Safety Awareness. 
  5. Accepted Volunteer: After completing your training, candidates will officially become accepted volunteers, eligible to begin supporting various events, programs, and other opportunities.


Additional Training and Certifications 

Please note, some volunteer roles may require additional training that is specific to the role and it's responsibilities. For example, Teens n' Training (see below) is required prior to filling a role at summer camps. Any additional requirements will be clearly communicated prior to scheduling. 



Upon request, accommodations due to a disability are available throughout the onboarding process. Please contact the Volunteer Program Coordinator to discuss the circumstances confidentially.

Volunteer Opportunities

Below are some highlights of upcoming and ongoing volunteer opportunities:

One-Time City Events and Programs

Volunteers are needed for community events throughout the year including:

  • Youth Week
  • Quest
  • Kite Festival
  • Teddy Bears Picnic 
  • Canada Day on the Waterfront
  • Live on the Waterfront
  • Movie Nights on the Waterfront
  • Culture Days
  • SnowDay on the Waterfront
  • Winter FunDays


Please contact the Volunteer Program Coordinator at (807) 625-3169 or by email at volunteer@thunderbay.ca for more information.

Re-Occuring City Programs

Volunteers are needed to support programming through Aquatics and Wellness including: 

  • Keep Moving Programs 
  • Adult Inclusion Group Classes
  • Swimming Lessons at Churchill Pool. Please note,volunteers that support swimming lessons are required to have Bronze Cross, Bronze Medallion or an approved equivalent certification. 


Please contact the Volunteer Program Coordinator at (807) 625-3169 or by email at volunteer@thunderbay.ca for more information.

Summer Camp Program Opportunities 

Summer Camp Volunteers

Volunteers are needed for a number of programs throughout the summer including:

Summer Camp Volunteer Training 

In addition to our general onboarding, prior to volunteer placement at summer camps, volunteers will be required to attend a program specific training. This training will be in place of the former known "Teens 'n Training" (TNT). 


More details including upcoming training dates are coming soon! If you have not done so already, please submit an application to the link above (found under "application") to be considered for summer camp volunteer opportunties. 


If you’re interested in receiving the latest information about volunteer training for summer camps or would like to be the first to hear about upcoming sessions, please email volunteer@thunderbay.ca to join our interest list.


Opportunities Throughout the City

Volunteers are welcome and encouraged in many other areas around the city. 

 Community Centres
 Meals on Wheels
  • The Meals on Wheels program has volunteer opportunities for adults, service groups, corporate volunteers & students. Our volunteers deliver a hot nutritious meal Monday - Friday to seniors in need in our community. These meals are delivered mid-morning between 10:30 am - 12:30 pm. 
  • Join our team and receive many health benefits such as meeting new people and light exercise. Bring a friend if you wish and deliver meals as a team! Volunteer once or twice per week, every two weeks, or on a casual basis.
  • To volunteer with Meals on Wheels as a driver or server please email our Program Manager or call 807-684-3048.
 Thunder Bay 55 Plus Centre
  • Volunteers play a very important role at the 55 Plus Centre. They help provide high quality programs, activities, and services to those 55 and over in the Thunder Bay community. The Centre is successful because of the constant support and efforts of the volunteers.
  • There are many opportunities to get involved as a volunteer at the Thunder Bay 55 Plus Centre
 Pioneer Ridge Long Term Care & Senior Services
  • Volunteers at Pioneer Ridge have an important role in caring for residents.Whether helping in a recreation program like bowling, assisting residents to attend a music programs or enjoying a walk outside; volunteers bring sunshine, laughter, and brighten the lives of everyone. We welcome new people to join us as we make Pioneer Ridge a premier place to live.
  • There are many opportunities to get involved as a volunteer at Pioneer Ridge Long Term Care and Senior Services.


Photo Gallery: Volunteers will appear here on the public site.

Volunteer Login

Log In To Better Impact to review upcoming opportunities and schedule.


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