We invite you to find zoning for a property, check permitted uses, and look up planning and building permits. On this page you can: 

  1. Find property on zoning map
  2. Check Zoning By-Law and Official Plan
  3. Look up planning files and building permits
  4. Request certified property information
  5. Apply for planning approval
  6. Report an issue

Find property on zoning map

Find your property's zoning by using the interactive zoning map. Agree to the terms and conditions, and search by address or by moving the map to find your property.

Use Zoning Map

If you require an alternative format, please contact our Accessibility Specialist.

Check Zoning By-Law and Official Plan

Official Plan

The Official Plan is our City's key land use document. This plan plays an important role in the development of our City. It describes what kind of community we want to become in the future. It sets goals, objectives, and policies which guide our land use planning decisions. Everything the City does related to land use needs to conform to the Plan. That includes passing any by-laws and undertaking any public works.

The Plan contains figures, appendices, and maps called schedules. These maps sort land into various categories known as "land use designations”. The Plan has policies relating to each land use designation.

View the City of Thunder Bay Official Plan and Schedules:

Use Official Plan Map

If you require an alternative format, please contact our Accessibility Specialist.

Zoning By-law

The Zoning By-law implements the policies of the City's Official Plan and is used to regulate the use of land throughout the City. It establishes definitions, standards, and regulations for all development in the City of Thunder Bay. You can use the Zoning By-law to determine what development is allowed on your property. The Official Plan sets goals, objectives, and policies which guide our land use planning decisions.

Zoning By-law 1-2022 came into force on April 11, 2022. 

View the City of Thunder Bay Zoning By-law and Schedules:

Look up planning and building permits

Use our Property and Permits portal to search for planning files by address, file number, application type and date. The record will include the file number, application type, date opened, status and a brief description. Please note, not all file statuses may be up to date.

Only Zoning Amendments and Minor Variances to the current Zoning By-law (after April 11, 2022) are searchable.

To use this service you will need a web browser. No account is required.

Look up permits

Building Permit Dashboard

This interactive map shows all of the City of Thunder Bay's building activity since 2014. Information available includes number of permits issued, type of permit, new dwelling units created, and construction value.

View the Dashboard

Request certified property information

A Property Information Report should be requested when buying or leasing a property. The report will give you zoning and building compliance information. It will show if there are outstanding building orders or open building permits, any applicable heritage designation, if Site Plan Approval is required or if you need a building permit for a change of use.

Applications for the ‘Property Information Report’ can now be applied & paid for through the online portal. Follow the link below, you will be required to create an account and set up a profile then complete the steps as required.

Apply online

For some Provincial Licenses, you need a zoning confirmation letter from the City. These include licences for:

  • Day Nurseries
  • Motor Vehicle Sales
  • Motor Vehicle Inspection Station, and
  • Propane Distribution Stations
For an update on the status of a planning agreement, please submit a request using the form below. 

Download request form

To receive a zoning confirmation or agreement status letter:

  1. Fill out the request form online, or print off the form and fill it in.
  2. Submit form to Planning Services, Development Services Division, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd floor, 111 Syndicate Ave. S. or email Planning Services.
  3. Pay the fee using a credit card over the phone, send a cheque, or pay in person (cash, credit, or debit). 

Apply for planning approval

If the current zoning doesn’t allow for your proposed use, you may be able to change your plans to fit the zone. Alternatively, you can apply to amend the regulations to permit the use you want. Planning applications include application fees and require time to complete consultation and review. You can plan ahead by consulting with Planning Services before you start your project.

Minor Variances to zoning regulations (e.g. maximum height, minimum setback, etc.) and Permission to expand or change a legal non-conforming use can be requested from the Committee of Adjustment. Pre-Consultation applications are not mandatory prior to applying for Minor Variance or Permission but are strongly recommended.

Projects that typically require Pre-Consultation include:

  • Official Plan Amendment
  • Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Draft Plans of Subdivision
  • Draft Plans of Condominium
  • Consent to Sever Land
  • Site Plan Approval
  • Site Plan Amendment

Visit our ‘Request Pre-Consultation’ and ‘Submit a Planning Application’ pages for additional information.

Report an issue

Concerns about building and developing without the proper permits can be brought to the attention of the Residential Building Technicians. They can be contacted at 807-625-2574. Zoning concerns can be directed to Municipal Enforcement Services at 807-577-6536.

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