We invite you to find land development proposals currently under consideration. On this page you can:
How development proposals work
All active development proposals, including Zoning By-law and Official Plan amendments are listed below. These proposals require approval from City Council before they can proceed. Some proposals remain active because they received conditional approval from Council and are in the process of meeting conditions. Others have been appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) and await a final decision.
A typical planning application process:
- The City receives a complete application.
- The City notifies the public and requests feedback from surrounding property owners and public agencies about the application.
- The Applicant presents their application to the applicable decision maker i.e. City Council or the Committee of Adjustment.
- Feedback is received as written submissions and/or heard at a public meeting.
- City staff review the application, including feedback received, and provide their recommendation to the decision maker.
- City Council or the Committee of Adjustment reaches a decision.
- Depending on the type of application, an appeal of the decision can be made to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).
- The OLT hears the application and renders a final decision.
City Council's agenda for a public meeting will include the staff report and the proposed by-law(s) for each scheduled planning application. The agenda is posted the Wednesday before the public meeting. View the City Council's agendas and minutes.
For more information about the development applications processed by the Planning Services Division, including forms and fees, see our Planning Application Forms page.
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Find meeting agendas
City Council's agenda for a public meeting will include the staff report and the proposed by-law(s) for each scheduled planning application. The agenda is posted the Wednesday before the public meeting. View the City Council's agendas and minutes.
Find the Committee of Adjustment agendas for upcoming meetings.
Look up planning files
Use our Property and Permits portal to search for planning files by address, file number, application type and date. The record will include the file number, application type, date opened, status, and a brief description. Please note, not all file statuses may be up to date.
Only Zoning Amendments and Minor Variances to the current Zoning By-law (after April 11, 2022) are searchable.
To use this service, you will need a web browser. No account is required.
1091 Central Avenue
File number: Z-01-2025
- Application type: Zoning By-law Amendment to:
Permit a motor vehicle service use
Reduce the minimum landscaping from 20% to 15%
Increase the maximum gross floor area (GFA) for a storefront in a retail warehouse from 185 square metres to 20,000 square metres
Increase the maximum driveway width from 9.0m to 9.5m
- Amendment decision: To be determined
- Status: Notice of Application
- Find location map, site sketch, staff contact and detailed information on the Notice of Application
6155 Loch Lomond Road
File number: Z-13-2024
- Application type: Zoning By-law Amendment to temporarily rezone the subject lands to permit a Garden Suite.
- Amendment decision: To be determined
- Status: Notice of Application
- Find location map, site sketch, staff contact and detailed information on the Notice of Application
1151 John Street Road
File number: OZ-12-2024
- Application type: Official Plan Amendment - re-designate the subject lands from Service Commercial to Residential, and in order to facilitate the future construction of mid-rise apartment buildings between 6 and 8 storeys.
- Application type: Zoning By-law Amendment - rezone the subject lands from SC - Service Commercial Zone to UM - Urban Mid-rise Zone, in order to facilitate the future construction of mid-rise apartment buildings between 6 and 8 storeys.
- Amendment decision: To be determined
- Status: Notice of Application
- Find location map, site sketch, staff contact and detailed information on the Notice of Application
2775 Oliver Road
File number: O-11-2024 & B-55-2024
- Application type: Official Plan Amendment - re-designate a portion of the subject lands from Rural, to Rural with a site specific policy area in order to permit more than two (2) severances, and in order to facilitate the creation of two (2) new buildable lots in the rural area, on private services.
- Application type: Consent to Sever - to allow for the creation of two (2) new buildable lots in the rural area, on private services.
- Amendment decision: To be determined
- Status: Notice of Application
- Find location map, site sketch, staff contact and detailed information on the Notice of Application
2365 15th Side Road
File number: Z-10-2024 & 58T-24501
- Application type: Zoning By-law Amendment - to rezone a portion of the subject lands from Rural Settlement (RS1) Zone to Rural Settlement (RS1) with site specific provision X (RS1spx) to:
- Permit a minimum frontage of 30 m
- Permit a minimum lot area of 0.21 ha
- Facilitate a future Plan of Subdivision
- Application type: Plan of Subdivision - to establish a 61-lot residential subdivision on partial services (City water supply and private septic systems).
- Amendment decision: To be determined
- Status: Notice of Application
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