Learn about keeping you and your family safe with Fire Safety Plans, Fire Safety Checklists and BBQ Safety. We also support schools and help young people learn about Fire Safety, including Station Tours and Pumper Visits.

Apply for and find information on Fire Permits, Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Permits. Effective immediately, we will only being accepting cash payments at Station 1. We encourage applicants to use the online payment system.

Learn about Fire Code regulations, and Request a Fire Inspector to visit a business.

Learn about Thunder Bay Fire Rescue, how to contact us, become a firefighter, or learn about the Fire Rescue Master Plan.

Am I allowed to set off fireworks on my own property?

Firework Displays - The City of Thunder Bay permits residents to set off low-hazard fireworks, for a private display on their own property without the need for a permit on the evening of the preceding day; Canada Day, Civic Holiday (also referred to as August long) and New Years Day from dusk to 12:30 a.m. Refer to Appendix A of the Fireworks By-law for further details.

For all other dates, types/classification of Fireworks/Pyrotechnics, locations other than private residential properties, and public displays, a Fireworks Permit is required.

What is the cost of a Fire Inspection Report?

Refer to our FEE Schedule. Please note the costs listed are before tax.

Do you inspect wood stoves? Who can I contact to inspect my wood stove?

We do not inspect wood stoves unless it is part of a fire investigation. Local WETT certified technicians should be contacted for inspection of residential wood stoves.

My CO Detector is going off / or has gone off - what should I do?

If your CO alarm sounds and you or other occupants suffer from symptoms of CO poisoning (flu-like symptoms), get everyone out of the home immediately. Call 911 or your emergency number from outside the building.

Refer to Carbon Monoxide Alarms for more information.

Do I need a permit to have a fire in my backyard? Where do I go to get a permit?

Yes, all open burning in Thunder Bay requires a permit and site inspection before a fire permit can be issued. Permit guidelines can be found on our website and at your local fire station. You can now apply online for a Recreational Burn Permit and an Open Burn Permit.

What do I do if smoke from my neighbour's chiminea is bothering me?

We advise you to speak with your neighbour first. If you are unable to do so, contact our fire department.

I would like to have someone attend my class and speak to the students on Fire Safety.

Contact our Fire Service Public Education Officer kevin.anderson@thunderbay.ca to make arrangements.

Where is the nearest fire hydrant and/or fire station to my home?

City of Thunder Bay Property Map

Am I allowed to barbecue on my balcony?

Please refer to the Barbecues on Balconies Policy

What is the difference between the "local" fire department and the Office of the Fire Marshal?

The Office of the Fire Marshal is a branch of the Community Safety division of the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services. Their primary function is to minimize the loss of life and property from fire by assisting Ontario municipalities and fire departments in improving their fire protection and fire prevention services. The OFM provides leadership within government and supports the fire service across the province in meeting the needs of the community.

By administering the Fire Safety Legislation, the OFM supports the functions of municipal fire departments through a variety of advisory, investigation, training and instructional programs. In addition, the OFM conducts research and advises the Ontario Government on standards and legislation relating to fire protection and fire prevention.

Fire departments are established by municipal by-law under the authority of provincial legislation. They endeavour to improve the quality of life through public education and prevention of fire, and provide a fire-suppression force capable of handling emergencies, which may include structural firefighting, pre-hospital medical assistance, traffic accidents, and response to hazardous materials incidents.

Where can I find a copy of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 (FPPA) and the Ontario Fire Code on the internet?

The Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 and the Ontario Fire Code can be found on the E-laws website. Compendiums of the Code are also available for purchase from Publications Ontario.

How do I dispose of a fire extinguisher?

Fire extinguishers should be disposed of properly and not thrown in with regular household garbage. Fire extinguishers have pressure stored inside and can explode under certain conditions.

Most fire extinguisher service companies, which can be found in the yellow pages under fire extinguishers, will dispose of an old extinguisher. However, there may be a disposal charge. In many circumstances the fire extinguisher company will dispose of an outdated extinguisher if an individual is purchasing a new one at the same time.

How often should a residential apartment building conduct fire drills?

The frequency of fire drills is governed by the Ontario Fire Code. The frequency of required fire drills in residential apartment buildings is typically determined by the building's height. In a low-rise apartment building such as a 3-storey with 16 units, a fire drill is required at least once annually. In a high-rise apartment building (which is typically seven storeys or greater) a fire drill is required at least once every three months.

Are there fire codes for homes converted to separate residential units?

If the building was originally a single home and the owner has converted it into separate apartments there are specific things the owner should have done to legalize the conversion. The process includes obtaining various approvals and permits from city zoning, planning, building and fire departments.

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