Get Involved Thunder Bay
2025 Proposed Operating Budget survey is available now! Respond by February 4, 2025.
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Think of managing the City's budget and finances like managing your household budget and personal finances— except on a much larger scale, where every decision made affects not just your family, but the entire community. 

Growing together: connecting the budget and strategic plan

The City budget is more than just numbers; it is the primary tool we use to achieve the vision of our strategic plan, Maamawe, Growing Together. Every dollar spent is a step towards our shared goals—be it enhancing public safety, growing the economy or building a sustainable environment.

Bringing it home: simplifying communication

It is vital that residents understand how the City Budget process works, how budget decisions can impact them directly, and how they can get involved, so they can make sure their voice is heard. We are working hard to simplify how we communicate the City's budget and financial reports, providing more resources so you can learn about the budget, and offering more opportunities to engage in the process along the way.

Being accountable: transparency and responsibility

Financial reporting is one way to ensure the City remains accountable to property taxpayers in the community as it is important that the public can see how we’re doing.

The Office of the City Treasurer

The Office of the City Treasurer provides financial leadership, stewardship, and strategic support across the corporation. Strategic financial support promotes effective decision-making and ensures that sustainable and reliable services are prioritized.

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