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Committee and Board Recruitment

As an equal opportunity employer, the City of Thunder Bay encourages applications from Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minority groups and women.

Recruitment for various advisory committees, boards and authorities 

Our current recruitment period for the various advisory committees closed on March 10, 2025.  
All of the applications will be presented to the March 24, 2025 Committee of the Whole, for Council's consideration. 


How to Apply to our Advisory Committees and Boards

Please complete the Committee and Board Application Form

Recent Appointments

To view past Committee of the Whole meetings, please visit our current agendas and minutes page on our City of Thunder Bay website.


If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Tina Larocque, Coordinator - Boards, Committees and Special Projects at

Committees and Boards 

Accessibility Advisory Committee

This committee advises Council on the preparation, implementation and effectiveness of its annual accessibility plan and other related issues. Read more about the Accessibility Advisory Committee. You can also discover more about accessibility in our City. 

Animal Services Committee

This committee hears appeals relative to Restraint Orders under the provisions of the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law.

The Animal Services Committee hears appeals relative to Restraint Orders issued to dog owners where a dog has demonstrated excessive or unprovoked aggression under the provisions of the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law. A person appointed to the Animal Services Committee cannot be a member of City Council or an employee of the Municipality.

Learn more about Animal Services in our City.

Anti-Racism & Equity Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to provide advice on strategic direction and advocacy to City Council on issues related to racism and equity, and to develop, recommend and implement a Four-Year Action Plan.

The Committee will develop partnerships with community organizations, agencies and others to assist in identifying and addressing issues related to racism and equity, and to support the implementation of the Action Plan as approved by Council.

Read more about the Anti-Racism & Equity Advisory Committee.  

Audit Committee

This committee is responsible for providing oversight on matters relating to financial reporting.

The Audit Committee is responsible for providing, on behalf of City Council, oversight on matters relating to financial reporting and assurance that an effective control and governance framework is in place. To qualify for appointment to the Audit Committee, the nominee should have the following qualifications:

  • Appropriate academic qualifications in accounting and/or business management
  • Business experience and acumen
  • Independence of judgement
  • No financial self-interest in the Municipality

City of Thunder Bay Appeals Tribunal

The body was established in 2018 and incorporates the roles, responsibilities and authorities of the former Committee of Revision, the Property Standards Committee and the Taxi Licensing Appeals Committee.  The Appeals Tribunal will hear appeals of local improvements, assessments, property standards orders and appeals on taxi licensing. The Appeals Tribunal consists of five citizens appointed by City Council, to serve a 4 year term, and cannot be a member of the Council of the Municipality or an employee of the Municipality.

Clean, Green and Beautiful 

The main purpose and activities of the Clean, Green & Beautiful Committee are to advise Council on an annual plan to enhance the function, look and feel of where we live, work and play through public art, beautification, heritage and environmental greening initiatives and, in doing so, enhance civic pride for all residents.

This committee is working to provide the civic leadership necessary to bring together business, industry and community leaders to find creative solutions to improve the City's appearance. Read more about the Clean, Green & Beautiful Committee.

Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial board of individuals who are residents of Thunder Bay and appointed by City Council. The Committee meets once a month to perform duties prescribed by the Planning Act.  The Committee adjudicates applications for Minor Variance and is the approval authority for applications including Consent to Sever and Validation of Title.

Experience in land use planning, real estate, the building trade, law and/or business is an asset.  Having access to an electronic device (home computer, laptop or tablet) to receive agendas and information sent electronically, as well as to participate virtually as needed, is a requirement. Hearings occur the last Thursday of the month at 2 pm.

Committee members are appointed for a four year term.  A per diem and training will be provided. 

A person appointed to the Committee of Adjustment can not be a member of the Council of the Municipality or an employee of the Municipality.

If you would like to apply for a minor variance, consent, or permission, visit the Planning applications page.

Community Communications Committee

This committee reviews external communication policies, strategies for major initiatives and programs and tools, including the web site; provides input into the development of a Community Communications Plan for the term of Council; and works with Members of Administration in establishing criteria by which the success of the plan may be assessed.

Community Safety & Well Being Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to advise on and oversee the implementation and monitoring of the CSWB plan for Thunder Bay. Community Safety and Well-Being plans support safe and healthy communities through a community-based approach to address root causes of complex social issues. Planning seeks to achieve a proactive, balanced and collaborative approach to community safety and well-being across four key areas: social development, prevention, risk intervention, and incident response.

Downtown Fort William Revitalization Committee

The Downtown Fort William Revitalization Committee is to provide strategic direction, advice and advocacy to achieve the revitalization of Downtown Fort William.  

Main Objectives of the Committee are: 

To provide advice and recommendations to City Council and City Administration concerning the planning, development, and operation of Downtown Fort William in order to reach its full mixed-use potential; 

To consult with specific user groups and interested parties in order to facilitate a coordinated flow of information between stakeholders and the City;  

To identify and prioritize short and long term projects to increase the vitality, livability, and investment in Downtown Fort William; 

And to make recommendations to Council (as applicable or relevant) regarding capital projects and programming.


EarthCare Advisory Committee

The EarthCare Advisory Committee oversees the implementation of the EarthCare Plan.  Applicants must demonstrate a strong commitment to, or in-depth knowledge of, one or more of the EarthCare Working Group Sectors: Active Transportation, Air, Community Greening, Education, Energy, Food, Green Building, Land Use, Pesticides, Waste, Water. 

In addition to knowledge of the issues and a passion for sustainability, preferred applicants will have had past involvement in EarthCare; be able to commit six hours per month to committee activities; represent a community partner; have strong public speaking skills; and experience in leadership roles or championing issues within the community. 

Read more about the EarthCare Advisory Committee.

Heritage Advisory Committee

This committee provides recommendations for the conservation of heritage buildings, sites and resources.

The Heritage Advisory Committee advises City Council on the protection of Thunder Bay's built, natural, and cultural heritage. The Committee educates and promotes awareness of this heritage, so that future planning and development takes into consideration the rich history of these assets.

Members also recommend By-laws to establish processes for the conservation of heritage resources, monitoring, reviewing and taking protective actions on a property-by-property or area-wide basis and undertaking promotion programs to advise City Council and the public of the value of heritage resources.


Lakehead Region Conservation Authority

Focusing on flooding problems and control, water conservation and more.

Persons appointed to the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority would be interested in flooding problems and control, water conservation, land use and the development of forest recreation areas within the municipality.

Official Recognition Committee

The Official Recognition Committee identifies and recognizes individuals and groups from Thunder Bay who have accomplished significant achievement or provided exceptional volunteer service to the community. The Committee is comprised of 1 member of Council and 6 citizens that are representatives from various sectors.  The Official Recognition Committee meets monthly (except for July/August)  

Read more about the Official Recognition Awards and past recipients.

Thunder Bay District Health Unit - Board of Health

An interest in all aspects of the community with particular interest in public health is an essential qualification of Board Members. Persons should be prepared to carry out duties assigned by the Health Protection and Promotion Act.

Thunder Bay International Airport Authority

Responsible for operation of the Thunder Bay Airport.

Thunder Bay International Airports Authority Inc. (TBIAAI) is a non-profit corporation responsible for operation of the Thunder Bay Airport. The Members and Directors of TBIAAI are nominated by Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments, the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce, the Thunder Bay and District Labour Council and TBIAAI Directors to serve terms of three years.

One (1) Nominee from among the names submitted by the City of Thunder Bay will be selected by the TBIAAI.

Mayor's Task Force on Building More Homes Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee is to guide the delivery of housing initiatives and recommend additional strategies and actions to accelerate the development of a range of housing types and housing affordability levels to meet the City's housing needs.

The main objectives of the Committee are to accelerate desirable housing development consistent with the policies outlined within the City’s Official Plan and other approved strategies; achieve community support, collaboration and participation to share in and deliver housing goals; support and accelerate a range of housing types and affordability levels with particular focus on affordable housing; identify and provide recommendations to overcome the root causes constraining housing development and affordability; improve Thunder Bay’s financial position by achieving additional density and making the best use of existing infrastructure; investigate and recommend additional resources to implement recommendations. 


Thunder Bay Police Services Board

The Board is the governing body that oversees the Thunder Bay Police Service. The Board is made up of 5 members which are 3 members appointed by the City of Thunder Bay and 2 members are appointed by the Province of Ontario. The Board is charged with providing civilian oversight of the Thunder Bay Police Service and setting policies that direct the Service in providing policing to the communities of Thunder Bay and Oliver Paipoonge. Board Members work together to fulfill the Board's mandate by providing civilian governance of the Police Service through participation at regular meetings of the Board and its committees, interaction with the Chief of Police, and its engagement of the community at large.


Visit the Thunder Bay Police Services Board website


Thunder Bay Port Authority

Members should have experience related to the management of a business, to the operation of a port or to maritime trade. Members of this Committee must be at least 18 years of age, Canadian Citizens, and should have a general knowledge of, and accepted stature within the transportation industry or the business community. Members must have relevant knowledge and extensive experience related to the management of a business, to the operation of a port or to maritime trade. Members cannot be elected members or employees of the municipal, provincial or federal governments or users of the port. In order to qualify, applicants for membership on this Committee must comply with the Thunder Bay Port Authority Code of Conduct applicable to all Directors. It is essential to receive, review and understand the qualifying criteria, prior to acceptance of the application.

Thunder Bay Public Library Board

A person is qualified to be appointed as a member of the Board who is a Canadian Citizen, is of the age of eighteen, is a resident of the Municipality of the City of Thunder Bay for which the Board is established and is not an employee of the Board or of the Municipality. Experience in law, finance, fundraising or construction as well as previous Board experience are skills desired by the Library Board. An affinity for Public Library service is required.


Thunder Bay Transit Lift+ Specialized Transit Eligibility Appeal Panel

Lift+ is a specialized public transit service, operated by Thunder Bay Transit. The service is reserved for those persons who, due to a disability, are unable to utilize conventional transit services. The Thunder Bay Transit Lift+ Eligibility Appeal Panel is a three-member panel established to hear appeals from persons who have been determined to be ineligible or eligible with conditions to receive Lift+ service.

Community Representation and Health Care Community Representation

To be eligible for appointment to the Appeal Panel, you must be either a community representative living with a disability, a community representative having knowledge of accessible transportation or one of the following:

  • Licensed Physician
  • Licensed Optometrist/Ophthalmologist
  • Certified Rehabilitation Specialist
  • Chiropractor
  • Physiotherapist
  • Registered Occupational Therapist
  • Licensed Physical Therapist
  • Registered Nurse
  • Certified Psychologist
  • Social Worker

Candidates must have the ability to meet at least once a month, including during business hours. Preference will be given to applicants who have demonstrated expertise and experience working with persons with disabilities and knowledge of accessible transportation needs and requirements.


Waterfront Development Committee

The Waterfront Development Committee was established to act in an advisory capacity to City Council on the development of the City of Thunder Bay waterfront – including Prince Arthur’s Landing and Phase two of the Waterfront Development. This would extend from the Marina Park Overpass south to the Pool 6 lands. The Committee will also advise on continued development of the waterfront trail.         

The Committee meets quarterly and meetings are scheduled for 1.5 hours.

 Fort William Business District BIA

The Fort William Business District BIA is a non-profit organization that represents all of the businesses located within its boundaries in the beautiful City of Thunder Bay, which is located at the head of Lake Superior in pristine Northwestern Ontario.

It is governed by a volunteer Board of Management and staffed by a part-time office personnel. The BIA is responsible not only for improving the image of a historical area and promoting businesses in the downtown Fort William area, but also for promoting events and lobbying for brown space redevelopment meant to attract new businesses and customers.

For more information please visit the Fort William Business District BIA website. 

Victoriaville Board of Management

The primary objectives of the Victoriaville Board of Management (the Board) are:

  • The strategic vision and direction for the Victoriaville Centre (the Centre)
  • Marketing, promotion and event planning
  • Maximize public benefit of the Centre
  • The safe, prudent, and cost effective operation of the Centre
  • Maximize revenue for the Centre

 To qualify, the nominee should have the following qualifications:

  • Business experience and knowledge
  • Independence of judgment and no self-interest in the Centre
  • Must be a resident and/or property owner in the City of Thunder Bay or directly operate a business in the City of Thunder Bay


Waterfront District BIA

The Waterfront District Business Improvement Area (BIA) is an association of more than 130 businesses located in Thunder Bay’s downtown north core. For more information contact or visit the Waterfront District BIA website.

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