Thunder Bay's Active Transportation Plan has one main goal: to help make Thunder Bay a great place to walk, bike, and roll.
To do this, we are building cycling lanes, new multi-use trails, active living corridors, and expanding the sidewalk network. We are working with partners to educate citizens about how to share the road safely, how to ride safely, and how to prevent collisions.
Want to know about multi-use trails?
With over 56 km of multi-use trails in Thunder Bay, you have so much to explore! Find out about our trail system!
Looking for a map?
The City has a map of multi-use trails and bike lanes in town. There are more trails that you realize!
Walking in Thunder Bay
Thunder Bay has a huge walking community. There are many groups you can join, and walks are already mapped out for you to explore.
Active transportation
Learn more about Active Transportation and see the City's plans to make Thunder Bay a better place to walk and wheel.
Bike parking
The City has resources to help developers and employers put in the right amount of bike parking that is functional, good looking, and long lasting.
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