Development Services recommends booking an appointment with your building or planning professional to avoid long lines and wait times.

Appointments are scheduled for 30 minutes and available at our Development Services office at 111 Syndicate Ave S., 2nd Floor Civic Centre, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., excluding holidays. Appointments about the Housing Accelerator Fund are also available virtually or over the phone.

Please provide as much relevant information in your appointment booking as possible, including permit or application numbers for open files.

Please note that Planning Technicians can help with general zoning inquiries and discuss what planning approvals may be required to accomplish your proposal. More complex planning inquiries can be accommodated via a pre-consultation application. For information on pre-consultation, please visit the Request Planning Pre-consultation page.

Image of worker on construction site, close-up on tool bag
Book an Appointment - Residential Building
Book an appointment for residential building: Small Projects, decks, garages, houses, duplexes, and additional dwelling units.
Image of commercial construction site
Book an Appointment - Commercial Building
Book an appointment for commercial building: Large projects, commercial, institutional, industrial, and multi-residential (apartments).
Image of blueprints and protractor
Book an Appointment - Planning Services
Book an appointment with Planning Services: Help with general zoning inquiries and understanding planning approvals.
Graphic featuring "Build Thunder Bay" text and branding, with animated images of various types of homes.
Book an Appointment - Housing Accelerator
Book an appointment related to the Housing Accelerator Fund: Grant programs supporting additional dwelling units, multi-unit and affordable builds.

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