Linda Pauluik, Pioneer Ridge Supervisor of Financial Services |
Since starting her career at the City as a Food and Nutrition Services Supervisor at Pioneer Ridge in 2005, Linda Pauluik has worked in a variety of roles including spending time at the 55 Plus Centre and Community Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) before returning to Pioneer Ridge as Supervisor of Financial Services almost two years ago. Having come full circle, Linda loves being back at Pioneer Ridge where she takes initiative to improve the quality of life for residents and staff alike. “I love my job and having the chance to interact with residents, especially one-on-one, nothing beats that,” she says. In a pandemic year, Linda was feeling the stress and anxiety among staff, so she organized a variety of safe holiday activities to help alleviate some of the pressure. She collected prizes, and when staff were unexpectedly restricted to stay on their floor due to additional precautions being put in place, she found a way for everyone to safely participate. Her contests succeeded at boosting morale and good cheer in trying times and as a result, co-workers wanted to share how appreciative they were of all she does. As a result of COVID-19, Linda saw her workload increase. “In a normal year, there are a lot of reports to do, but with COVID-19, it’s unbelievable the increase of overall paperwork. But it keeps things running here at Pioneer Ridge and through our community services such as Meals on Wheels and LIFT+ specialized transit, we are able to continue helping those in need throughout the pandemic.” When visitor restrictions began taking effect, Linda took on the responsibility of developing processes and procedures for implementing safety screening protocols, which required flexibility as things changed quickly. She also joined an internal committee to exchange coordinated information regarding COVID-19, which helped get some of the good news stories from Pioneer Ridge out to the public.
Team shout-out
Maria Pepe, Acting Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment |
Originally hired as a Planning Technician in July 2019, Maria Pepe recently accepted a role as Acting Secretary-Treasurer for the Committee of Adjustment in the Planning Services Division. Comprised of a group of Council-appointed individuals from the general public, the Committee of Adjustment (COA) considers changes to the City’s Zoning By-law that are minor in nature. Some examples would be to decrease the required side yards of a property, or increase the maximum height of a structure permitted on a property. Maria works closely with the property owners (applicants) assisting them with their applications and confirming that all requirements of the Zoning By-law have been captured. Her responsibilities center around processing the applications and ensuring procedures and policies are followed as outlined in the provincial Planning Act. The process is quite extensive as there are a number of internal divisions and other agencies who are involved in the review of the applications. As well, a circulation is mailed around the applicant’s neighbourhood to give the community an opportunity to weigh in and express their support or concerns. Once all the comments are received and compiled, Maria forwards the full application package to each member of the Committee. The Committee of Adjustment meet once a month in Council Chambers to review up to 13 applications at one Hearing. Maria enjoys working with the Planning Team, which consists of a group of professional Planners and Planning Technicians. As part of a professional organization, she has the opportunity to participate in a number of interesting webinars around Planning and COA issues. She enjoys this part of her job the most as she is continuously learning something new. “The workload has definitely increased this year, partly around restrictions to public meetings. More time is spent educating both applicants and the public on how to participate in virtual meetings, especially with individuals who are not as familiar with computers or technology. And it’s a process that is repeated each month with a new group of applicants,” explains Maria. As far as a silver lining with all the added work, she sees more people willing to use the City’s website. “With our offices being closed to the public, people have been quite receptive when I explain to them how easy it is to navigate our website and showing them the mapping features, which many are quite impressed with.” Find information on The Planning Act, Provincial Policy Statement, the Official Plan and more by visiting Team Shout-Out “I would like to thank my colleagues who continuously give their time in helping me do my job better. I am inspired by my colleagues’ wealth of knowledge, and thank them for sharing it with me.” |
Jessica Steele, Council Support Clerk |
Imagine arriving at work and finding out that you are needed to stand-in as the maid of honour at a wedding happening right then and there. Jessica Steele does that and more with a smile from the main floor in City Hall. Employed within the Clerks’ department for three years, she assumed her new job of Council Support Clerk a year ago. In this role, she handles the frontlines as the person the public turns to for a myriad of requests, including asking her to join their wedding party in Council Chambers. “The whole wedding process is a lot of fun and not as complicated as people might think,” she says. “It’s a cool part of the job and sometimes I even get to issue marriage licenses to my friends.” Since COVID-19 began, Jessica has been there, helping people with their ever-changing inquiries. She enjoys the challenge of helping people find the information they need, which she says pushes her to be very resourceful. Yet the days do look different with safety requirements in place. “The pandemic has definitely changed things. We had to adapt to a different way of working including taking more appointments and answering more phone calls overall.” Given the increased demands of her job, she finds that the public are mostly patient and understanding. They recognize that many things are taking a bit longer now to complete, and they seem thankful that Clerks are still there for them and have been since the start of the pandemic.
Team shout-out
Brandon Smith, Fire Prevention Officer |
Before becoming a Fire Prevention Officer with the City one year ago, Brandon Smith proved himself as a first responder. He worked extensively on the frontlines, spending four years as a firefighter in the field, and before that, 12 years at Superior North Emergency Medical Service (SNEMS) as a paramedic. As a Fire Prevention Officer, Brandon focuses on public education and fire prevention, as well as doing regular building inspections of residential and commercial buildings. Safety is the number one priority, and it might surprise some to know that Brandon and his colleagues will offer public education opportunities upon request. It’s not unheard of for him to organize demonstrations, real or simulated, on how to use a fire extinguisher, for example. Much of the public outreach Brandon does happens in the schools, but with the COVID-19 pandemic, some of this programming needed to be adjusted. Fire drills are still very important and continue to run, but the firefighters on the scene will often forgo entering the building to minimize potential risk to students. “The pandemic saw the requirements of my job change pretty drastically,” said Brandon. “In February, we were starting to prepare for the inevitable, and when COVID-19 did hit Thunder Bay, we implemented our Incident Management System. I was appointed to the position of Liaison for that group, and I also became a member of the Planning section. All of this required a lot of work—from March to April, I was the busiest I’d ever been since becoming a Fire Prevention Officer.” Brandon attributes the excellent work of his colleagues in these unprecedented circumstances to their professionalism and resilience. He notes they have had to adapt to new ways of operating in terms of screening and personal protective equipment, which adds another layer of challenges to some of the more difficult calls. “My hats off to all our firefighters and staff, especially to those working on the frontlines, including paramedics and police. We’ve all had to work together, and I feel like everyone has stepped up to show our commitment to this city and the people we serve.”
Thanks to Shane Muir and Community Testing Team Brandon also wishes to acknowledge Shane Muir and his team at SNEMS for their amazing work handling an immense volume of COVID-19 tests to help keep our city safe.
Andrew Leschuk, Swim Instructor and Lifeguard |
What is your official job title? Swim Instructor and Lifeguard at Churchill Pool
How long have you been employed at the City of Thunder Bay? Just over two years.
What do you like most about your job? I enjoy keeping people safe as they enjoy the use of the facility. Being an avid swimmer myself, I appreciate having a city pool available, and I know that as a lifeguard, I am helping to provide the best experience possible. My job provides me with great opportunities and a wonderful work atmosphere. I am working hard to hopefully become a headguard in the future.
What is it like being a Lifeguard during this time? I know that all the lifeguards at Churchill Pool are working hard to accommodate everyone that wants to use the facility. We have consistent protocols in place for booking swim times, enforcing rules, disinfecting points of contact, and ensuring that patrons are entering and exiting the facility at the correct time. I have certainly answered many phone calls during this time, which highlights the community demand for the facility.
Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? Yes! A plexiglass screen has been installed on the front desk of Churchill Pool to act as a barrier between the staff and patrons. We’ve also been provided with personal reusable masks, as well as guard chairs on the pool deck to distance ourselves from patrons. Booking swim times is another new protocol to keep everyone safe. People can book one-hour time slots and are allowed in only 10-15 minutes before their swim time to ensure that the new capacity is always followed.
Are you noticing an increase in amount of work? I have noticed an increase in the amount of work when in the office, specifically answering the phone and booking swim times, as well as answering questions about the new protocols.
What should residents do to help keep you and your colleagues safe? Everyone is asked to wear masks in the lobby area and change rooms, and a hand sanitizing station has been set up at the door for public use. Remembering to give the lifeguards space while on the pool deck, as well as refraining from placing personal items on the lifeguard chairs, can also help keep myself and colleagues safe.
Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? Many people have expressed their excitement of having a pool reopen. Having been at Churchill Pool right from the beginning of the reopening in July, I have seen many people come in for aquatic fitness and fun. It’s been nice to see my coworkers again after the abrupt closure in March.
Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time? I have seen the swim clubs start practicing again, and patrons get back into swimming routines. It highlights how we can work together as a community to create a new normal at Churchill Pool.
Is there anything else you’d like to add? Please have patience with the staff at Churchill Pool while everyone gets used to the new normal. You can call the pool or check the website if you have any questions about current pool operations.
Cindy Woodbeck, Clerk Dispatcher |
What is your official job title? Clerk Dispatcher with Infrastructure and Operations How long have you been employed at the City of Thunder Bay? 22 years What do you like most about your job? I really enjoy the social interaction, and I love customer service. What is it like being a Clerk-Dispatcher during this time? It’s a 50-50 situation. There can be difficult questions, but we are the information highway. It is great to be in a position to help residents. With the COVID-19 situation continuing, at times people are becoming frustrated with the uneasy situation overall. As a result, sometimes we have to handle people’s emotions as well as their questions. Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? Definitely. The City has been working hard to keep things safe for the employees in our department, from safety markings on the floors and entranceways, to masks, hand sanitizers, and handwashing protocols. In our workplace, everyone is taking care of everyone. There are new challenges every day, but the City has been very diligent and we know they care. Are you noticing an increase in the amount of work? Yes, and of course, it’s not a surprise. There are so many new protocols and ways of dealing with things. In many situations, there may be three steps instead of one. Calls to the City Dispatchers have naturally increased, as residents have many questions. Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? Because we’re busier with an increased number of calls, my day goes by very fast! And it feels good being able to help. Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working in the community during this time? People are very glad that someone—a human being, answers their call. It’s very touching how we are appreciated just for being here at this time. Is there anything else you’d like to add? Humour is the best medicine. If you can laugh, and help people see the lighter side, it alleviates tension. Although many calls involve serious issues and questions, lightheartedness is very valuable. And one more thing to add: there are no stupid questions! |
Steve Kondreska, Traffic Tech I |
What is your official job title? Traffic Tech I within the Traffic Control & Street Lighting section of Roads
How long have you been employed at the City of Thunder Bay? Just under 15 years
What do you like most about your job? The fact that most of the things I do at work benefit the public. It’s very gratifying to be doing something that helps the public, especially with safety.
What is it like being a Traffic Tech I during this time? It’s been very strange! At first, during COVID, it felt like we were the only people outside – eerie!
Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? Yes, many. Our department has done a good job with putting safety measures in place, such as limiting who can access buildings – right now we can’t have contractors coming through the doors. Also, we usually have just one person per vehicle; if more must be in the vehicle, masks are worn. The City has done a great job making sure we had all the safety equipment we need, right from the start.
Are you noticing an increase in the amount of work? Absolutely, yes. Essential workers have had more work to do, and now there is additional catch-up on tasks that had to be delayed.
Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? Yes - I didn’t have time to sit around at home worrying! Going to your familiar job every day – at least it’s one normal thing.
Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time? People who have been staying home are often out in their yards or properties, and they notice more of what we do. People seem to appreciate it more.
Is there anything else you’d like to add? I’d just like to reiterate that in our department they did everything they could to look after our well-being, right from the beginning. |
April Johnson - Archivist Assistant |
What is your official job title? Archivist Assistant at the Harry Kirk Archives & Records Centre How long have you been employed at the City of Thunder Bay? 20 years What do you like most about your job? I participate in the corporate records management program and the operation of the City Archives and enjoy both components equally. They are an important part of the CTB and knowing that I play a role in preserving the City’s corporate history is awesome. Also working with such a great Archives team, makes it even more enjoyable. What is it like being an Archivist Assistant during this time? Working from home has created some issues as part of my job can only be done in the building and not from home, so those projects are on hold. With the office being closed and no courier service, it has been a challenge in getting records to the divisions. In addition some services such as record box transfers are not being accepted until we re-open. This will create a backlog for us and for departments. We are fortunate that people are very understanding and patient with our new schedule. Sanitizing and social distancing are now always a priority when doing my job. Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? The City Archives & Records Centre has been closed to the public since late March. Our staff are working from home and limiting the number of visits we make to our building. We also notify each other when entering and leaving the building; if it happens we overlap our visit, we social distance and wear masks. Sanitizing is routine when we enter the office area. Are you noticing an increase in amount of work? When the office first closed to the public and we began working from home, my co-worker was redeployed which meant I would be taking on a portion of his work as well, so it was very busy. I monitor the Archive e-mail accounts and was designated the person to go into the office for all record requests, retrievals, scheduled pick-up of records and look after public inquiries. My co-worker has recently returned to his position and work remains steady. Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? It has been amazing to see how our City workers from all divisions have come together so we can continue quality service for the community. Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time? There have been many inspiring stories in our community that have proven “we are in this together”. For example a local business donated 200 face masks to evacuees, and so many homes having signage on their windows with encouraging messages and thanking the community. Is there anything else you’d like to add? I would like to give a shout out to my manager who has done an outstanding job on checking in on his staff to make sure everything was O.K. while working from home. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic he has always kept us informed and sends emails to keep in touch during these difficult times. Thanks Matt! |
Janelle Darosa - Property Agent |
Janelle Darosa is a Property Agent with Realty Services Division at the City of Thunder Bay.
How long have you been employed at the City of Thunder Bay? I’ve been with the City for about a year.
What do you like most about your job? I love the work environment that I share with friendly and professional colleagues. I also have a new level of appreciation of how public processes work. It can be very rewarding to see changes in the community that I was able to contribute to.
What is it like being a Property Agent during this time? I’m currently working from home and have been for five months. It’s been a bit of an adjustment, but the work hasn’t changed so it can be done effectively.
Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? We follow standard protocol with regular Safety Talks and when we have in-person meetings, we ensure we are physically distancing, sanitizing and wearing masks indoors.
Are you noticing an increase in amount of work? The amount of work started at a standard rate but once the reopening plans began, there was definitely an increase. We also worked on Covid-related tasks such as the patio project to assist restaurants and retailers with creative ways to establish outdoor patios during the pandemic. We also worked on rent relief programming for our commercial tenants. The City went out of its way to help businesses that were affected by the pandemic.
Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? Yes. As much as these times are difficult, people are resilient and proving that they can adapt to changing environments and face the unknown together.
Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time? I’ve witnessed many selfless acts. It’s been so nice to see many people stepping up to volunteer and provide essential work on the frontlines, as well as support local businesses during these times.
Is there anything else you’d like to add? Thank you to all our frontline workers. I’m glad to be from a community where everyone supports each other.
Suzanne Sabaz - Support Services Assistant |
Suzanne Sabaz is a Support Services Assistant with Thunder Bay 55+ Centre, Recreation & Culture Division. She has been employed at the City for 29 years.
What do you like most about your job? I love connecting with older adults in the City. I’ve worked with seniors since I was in high school. Over the years, I’ve volunteered and worked with many different local agencies and seniors' groups in Thunder Bay. I’ve also completed a post-secondary gerontology program. I’ve always gravitated towards working with seniors.
What is it like being a Support Services Assistant during this time? Our programs for seniors have continued mostly over the phone. Our in-person Friendly Visiting and Walk-A-Bit programs have been put on hold for now. Most of these volunteers have transferred to our Telephone Assurance Program, in which our volunteers call our senior clients for a friendly chat and a check-in, usually weekly. If a volunteer suspects our client is in need of community services they are not currently accessing, we make those referrals for them. We are lucky to have a lot of really great new volunteers in this program since the start of the pandemic.
Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? Right now I am able to work from home and I feel very fortunate to be able to do so. I’ve been very safe working in that respect.
Are you noticing an increase in amount of work? We are with the Telephone Assurance Program for seniors in the community. We normally have 40 to 50 referrals a year, and over the last few months we’ve had over 100 referrals. This tells us seniors are more disconnected and lonesome in COVID-19 circumstances. Their family and friends cannot be with them; they’re missing that interaction. This program has almost tripled in size since the start of the pandemic. This also shows how much people need human interaction.
Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? It’s not an easy time for seniors in the community, or anyone at any age. The silver lining I see is that even though our volunteers are going through a hard time themselves, they are still taking the time to help others. That is really inspiring.
Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time? I see a lot of people in the Thunder Bay community that are willing to get out and help people who are struggling. Whether it’s through food banks, food box programs, or in less formal ways. For example, in my neighbourhood, I see people regularly checking in on their neighbours to see if they’re ok and being taken care of. It is really heartwarming.
Is there anything else you’d like to add? I’m very proud of the way Thunder Bay has handled COVID 19, also with keeping people informed and keeping people’s spirits up. I think this shows in our low numbers.
Tammy Mastalerz - Supervisor |
Tammy Mastalerz is the Supervisor, Supply Management (Inventory & Courier) and she has been with the City for a year.
What do you like most about your job? I am fortunate to be part of a really great team who has worked so hard these last few months. There is always something keeping me on my toes. It is very rewarding to be providing support to frontline staff. What is it like being the Supervisor, Supply Management during this time? It is very busy, with heavy focus on trying to source, store, and distribute Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). At the beginning, it was very hectic as none of the equipment we needed could be found anywhere. Literally all of us were on the phone trying to locate PPE. Now, hand sanitizer is bought in bulk. It comes in liquid form, in 20-litre pails and needs to be decanted, meaning we had to source spray bottles which there wasn’t a great supply of locally. There is also a need for us to make PPE kits for staff. For example, Lifeguards are issued bags with a face shield, mask, gown, and sanitizer. Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? Mainly social distancing, handwashing, sanitizing, and regular cleaning of touch surfaces like counters and doorknobs. The counters at our City Stores also have Plexiglas barriers. When accepting deliveries, we screen, and continue with physical distancing and proper handwashing after deliveries. Suppliers are not requiring signatures on deliveries, so we don’t have to handle paperwork. We also do more regular cleaning of our courier vehicles. Are you noticing an increase in amount of work? Absolutely. In addition to the regular ongoing procurement needs across City departments, there is more work associated with the pandemic. Suppliers have to be contacted regularly to check availability, and we are working directly with City departments to source the PPE that they need. The items we are sourcing aren’t normally stocked, and we are ordering in huge volumes. What should people do to help keep you and your colleagues safe? With any deliveries to us, or from our couriers, please maintain physical distancing. The same is true of City staff coming to pickup PPE. And we appreciate as much notice as possible for PPE requirements. Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? The pandemic has definitely shown that Thunder Bay is a resilient community, and we have pulled together to help each other out. We have demonstrated our ability to help flatten the curve, particularly when you look at the numbers for Thunder Bay. Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time? Seeing everyone working together is inspiring. When the pandemic first hit, we were receiving donations of gloves, masks, and other PPE from dentist offices, and places like tbaytel and Resolute. It is fantastic to see support for our frontline workers. It is inspiring when reading the news to see that this is still happening. Free masks and sanitizers are being donated from big business to small business. Is there anything else you’d like to add? Thank you to all the frontline workers, including those behind the scenes such as mechanics, city courier, and storekeepers. |
Jordyn Howie - Program Coordinator |
Jordyn is a Program Coordinator for the Recreation & Culture Division’s Children & Youth programs and has worked at the City for eight years.
What do you like most about your job? I love my job because I get to meet new people who share the same passions as me, and I have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of young people. What is it like being a Program Coordinator during this time? Being a Program Coordinator during this time has been different as there are several new changes and accommodations that we’ve had to make to the program in order for it to be safe for children and staff. However, my team and I have worked together to make this summer happen and are happy we get to provide programming for children who have been away from their normal routine for so long. Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? There are several protocols in place to keep us safe on the job. We have smaller groups, we practice social distancing, we have advanced cleaning protocols, we have modified activities to avoid coming into close contact with one another, and we have additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Are you noticing an increase or change in amount of work? Yes, there has been an increase as we need to implement and train staff members on new health and safety policies. We also need to be more creative in planning activities to ensure they are following these new policies. Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? We are bringing back some normalcy to children’s lives and providing them with the opportunity to play with others again. Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time? I’ve seen program staff rise to the challenge of adapting to these new changes and finding a way to make programming enjoyable for the children while maintaining safety as a top priority. |
Karen Nadeau - Leadhand/Curator |
Karen Nadeau is a Leadhand/Curator – Conservatory, Parks & Open Spaces Section since 1988.
How long have you been employed at the City of Thunder Bay? Since 1988 What do you like most about your job? Surprisingly, I like to go out and weed—it's very relaxing! I also really enjoy working with my co-workers. We are an upbeat, tightknit group. We love when the planting season starts each year. What is it like being the Conservatory Leadhand/Curator during this time? Right now, it'svery busy! It's always hectic during planting season. However, with COVID-19, work had to start a month late and proceed as quickly as possible. Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? Yes. Our trucks now have plexiglass installed. We wear masks, and we try to keep our distance when working on flowerbeds. Since we are outdoors, physical distancing is easier for us than for some employees. Are you noticing an increase in the amount of work? Absolutely. We are running behind our usual schedule due to COVID-19. Right now we are hurrying to get the LID (Low Impact Development for stormwater management) beds in. The total planting area for Parks is 5,200 square metres. This year, we will be preparing beds at the Marina, in addition to our usual areas. Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? Everyone is in this together, at work and at home. I've found that I have become more patient. At home, my family has grown closer—we've turned off the TV and taken the next steps together. Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time? So many things have happened during this season! For instance, last week a woman lost her wallet at one of the parks where we were working. A resident found it and turned it in to Thunder Bay Police. The woman returned to look for it and learned that it was turned in. Later she came back with orange juice for the workers. People appreciate our work more during these times and are enjoying our parks more often. |
Leanne Lavoie - Committee Coordinator |
Leanne Lavoie is a Committee Coordinator with the Office of the City Clerk and has worked at the City for four years.
What do you like most about your job? I always describe the Office of the City Clerk as the nucleus of the Corporation. We work closely with City Council and Administration from every Department. I get to play a supporting role in the good work they do. I love being in the room for Council meetings. I have a front row seat to all the action, and I think that’s pretty cool. What is it like being a Committee Coordinator during this time? How has the job changed? To reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, we were given very clear direction: If we are able to work from home, we must. The City’s IT experts have set the Clerks staff up well with access to everything we need to build agendas, write minutes, communicate with colleagues and attend meetings remotely, via our laptops. I spend about 75% of my workdays working from home. I go into the office only for City Council meetings or to print and organize agendas. Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? City Hall is still closed to the public. We limit the number of people in our office to a maximum of five. Regularly touched surfaces, such as door knobs and the photocopier, are wiped down frequently. We are careful to keep our distance from each other, and we wash our hands or use hand sanitizer several times each day. Are you noticing an increase in amount of work? Our workload has definitely increased. Some of the Committee Coordinators were reassigned to support the Emergency Response Team and others took on additional Council meetings. Switching to virtual City Council meetings has also created a great deal of extra work for our office. We are resilient, though, and have been supporting each other throughout the State of Emergency. Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? I think COVID-19 has forced us all to slow down and remember what is truly important: Our health, our families, and taking care of each other in our community. Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time? I’ve been impressed by the way local small businesses and other organizations have adapted their services and events, like car-hop service at Bay Village Coffee, drive-by drag during Pride Month, and our City’s reimagining of Live on the Waterfront as Virtual Live. Thunder Bay is full of passionate, positive people with creative ideas to make our City better for everyone, even during a pandemic. Is there anything else you’d like to add? I want everyone to know how supportive our senior management team is. The City Manager sends weekly emails to all staff, keeping us up to date, thanking us for our dedication and reminding us to take care of ourselves. My direct supervisor, the City Clerk, as well as the Deputy Clerk, consistently check-in to offer support and make sure we’re doing ok. It has been a strange time, working away from my Clerks’ family, but I have never felt alone.
Dona-Lee Robinson - Animal Services Law Enforcement Officer |
Dona-Lee Robinson is an Animal Services Law Enforcement Officer and has worked at the City for just over one year. What do you like most about your job? I enjoy helping lost, abandoned or injured animals and ensuring they are safe and that they see justice when they are harmed. What is it like being an Animal Services Officer during this time? It’s a bit different with work requirements that are outside of what we normally do. For example, if we see people out in the community, in a place that is off limits due to COVID-19, we take the time to stop and educate them on the rules and how they can be safer. Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? Yes, we adhere to strict safety protocols including wearing masks, using sanitizer, limiting our vehicles to one driver and keeping our vehicles clean as well. We also have screening questions in place in the event someone needs to enter the building to claim a lost animal, for example. Are you noticing an increase in amount of work? Yes, more people are at home now so they are noticing animals that need help more often so we are seeing an increase in calls. Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? Throughout the community, people are taking greater safety precautions which helps everyone. Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time? I’ve noticed that people are nicer. If they see us in uniform in this hot weather waiting in line somewhere, they let us go ahead of them which is much appreciated.
Louisa Costanzo - Cultural Development & Events Supervisor with the Recreation & Culture Division |
Louisa Costanzo is the Cultural Development & Events Supervisor with the Recreation & Culture Division and has worked at the City for one year. What do you like most about your job? There are so many things I like about my job; it is hard to name one, but I will try! I enjoy all of the people I get to work with, from other City employees to community partners and stakeholders. I have met some fantastic people during the last year. What is it like being a Cultural Development & Events Supervisor during this time? It is different. Typically we would be gearing up for a busy event season. Since we cannot gather in large groups, we changed programming from in-person to virtual for the safety of our community. The event days will be very different. Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? I am very fortunate to be working from home so the majority of my work right now is done over the phone through emails and virtual meetings. If I need to do media interviews or make pick-ups related to events, I practice physical distancing, wash my hands often and wear a mask. Are you noticing an increase in amount of work? The work is different. Switching from in-person programming to virtual was quite a shift; it was a whole new world. As with in-person events there is a lot of coordination, in the virtual world there is even more. One of the biggest challenges working in the virtual world is technology, something as simple as uploading a video can take nearly 24 hours, so you have to plan around that. Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? I am a firm believer that there is always a silver lining! I have learned so much from video editing, online marketing and much more. I had to adapt and find innovative ways to present events. While these times are challenging, I am appreciative of having the opportunity to learn new skills. Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time? There are so many inspiring things happening in our community. A few weeks ago, a fantastic Recreation & Culture team member who was redeployed at Pioneer Ridge arranged for a Pride awareness event complete with a parade for residents.. These kinds of initiatives make me so proud to be part of the Recreation and Culture division with the City of Thunder Bay. Is there anything else you’d like to add? Check out our virtual Canada Day Celebrations at There are so many fun activities planned, a little something for everyone – all from the safety of your own home. The activities start on Monday, June 29 at 11 am and go until July 1.
Eric Kwisses - Acting Lead Hand and Mechanic, Fleet Services section |
![]() Eric Kwisses is the acting lead hand and mechanic at the Mountdale Shop in the Fleet Services section within the City of Thunder Bay. Fleet Services maintains City owned vehicles and equipment, from street sweepers, to loaders and graders, to trucks and Zambonis. Eric coordinates this mechanical work to make sure essential services continue to run smoothly and safely during the pandemic. What do you like most about your job? For me, everyday is different. I’m doing different things, and there are new challenges every day. There’s definitely no routine, that’s for sure. Most of the time I work inside the Shop, but sometimes I get to work outside in nice weather when there are service calls. I really like all my colleagues, too. What is it like being a leadhand and mechanic during this time? During the pandemic, we’re doing the same work we’ve always done, but we’ve added safety measures. For example, physical distancing measures have been put in place between myself, my colleagues, and our vendors. We also do more sanitizing. Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? Yes – like I said, physical distancing measures definitely. And we keep equipment and tools clean and sanitized. When a vehicle or piece of equipment that needs servicing comes in, we wipe it down, and wipe it down again when it goes back out. We also have to trust that our colleagues are taking self-protective measures outside of work, because we work in the same building and we need to give each other a hand sometimes. That’s the nature of our job. We’ve also installed Lexan barriers in some City vehicles to keep City staff safe. Are you noticing an increase in amount of work? Our work level has stayed about the same. It’s always high, and it’s no different now. There is always work for us to do. Installing the Lexan barriers in City vehicles was time sensitive, so it was a bit busier during that time. What should residents or colleagues do to help keep you and your colleagues safe? Our vendors have been really good with sanitizing anything we’ve sent out and received from them. Staff rely on each other to be safe and to take protective measures in the workplace. So, I would say, please keep doing what you’re doing. What do you do when you get home to keep you and your household safe? Well, being a mechanic, I come home and put my clothes in the washer and have a hot shower. This is not much different than what I’ve always done given the nature of my work. We limit grocery shopping to when we have to and stay home. Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? Spending more time with family. At work, it’s stayed pretty much the same as we are an internal-facing operation. Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time? It’s good to see how our colleagues have come together and have taken the pandemic seriously. And it was good to see all the safety measures the City took to help with the pandemic too. Is there anything else you’d like to add? The pandemic will change the way things are done at work and at home – the way we travel, shop, school our kids, etc. Just that, and stay safe!
Tony DaSilva - Hardware/Datacentre Administrator, Corporate Information Technology Division |
![]() Tony DaSilva is a hardware/datacentre administrator in the Corporate Information Technology (CIT) Division within the City of Thunder Bay. He has been employed with the City for almost 14 years. In his role, Tony maintains, deploys, and repairs Corporate computing equipment including servers, storage devices, and personal computing equipment. What do you like most about your job? I’m lucky to be in a position where I get out of the office to see people, and to help them, which is in my nature. I like that the work I do is measurable. At the end of the day, I can see my successes. My job calls for ongoing learning so I am learning new things all the time. What is it like being a member of the CIT team during this time? Over the years, I’ve worked closely with the team on Corporate IT projects, as well as on projects for other departments, like EMS and Pioneer Ridge. In the first 6-8 weeks of our Corporate efforts to prevent the spread of COVID19, CIT was responsible for getting employees set up to work from home. Things were happening incredibly fast as there were urgent equipment needs on top of the regular day-to-day work. Things are a little lonely now, with everyone else working from home. Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? Yes, all tech equipment coming in is sanitized before I start working on it. I have appropriate PPE both in my vehicle and in my work toolkit so that I can be prepared since priorities change while I am on the move. I also sanitize all equipment before it is returned. Are you noticing an increase in amount of work? Yes! Especially with all the extra cleaning and prep work that needs to be done. Many office spaces and facilities that I can normally access are closed, so it takes extra time to access the City offices and buildings that I need to. I need to make sure I have everything I think I might possibly need for a job before going onsite because it’s not as easy to get back into areas if I have to leave. What should other city staff do to help keep you and your colleagues safe? Please make sure you keep your tech equipment clean, and respect physical distancing. Please understand and be patient that the turnaround time may not be as quick as usual due to the extra work involved with working in a location safely. What do you do when you get home to keep you and your household safe? I wash my hands as soon as I get in the house, and then I go downstairs to change clothes right away. Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? People seem to appreciate IT a little bit more than usual. They understand that even working from home requires critical IT involvement. As a result, most people are a little more understanding, and friendlier than normal, and are more engaged when I do site visits. It’s true that you don’t know what you’ve got till you’ve lost it, and I am so fortunate to get along with everyone in my office that I really miss them. I have come to appreciate those relationships more, even the bad joke of the day. Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working during this time? Seeing people working with a smile on their face, despite the challenges in their workplace, is inspiring. People are dressed in PPE but still optimistic and cheerful, in what could otherwise be negative situations. City management should be proud of the work their teams are doing and their positive attitudes. Is there anything else you’d like to add? Many people are keen to come back to work and are mindful of physical boundaries. I am confident that when the doors of CIT, other City offices, and life in general open again, we will hit the ground running. I am proud of the work ethic, the positivity, and the dedication that our teams have.
Kristy Sunderland - Clerk Stenographer III, Central Support Division |
![]() Kristy Sunderland is a Clerk Stenographer III in the Central Support Division in the Infrastructure and Operations Department. She provides customer service to members of the public for things like City construction projects, garbage tags, and also issues permits for driveway construction and heavy and over-sized vehicle loads. On top of this, she also provides administrative support to her Division. What do you like most about your job? I really enjoy interacting with the public and being able to help people with questions they have about things going on in the City. I like being able to bike to work every day, and I also like all the people I work with. What is it like being a Clerk Stenographer III during this time? It is definitely different. People think that it’s business as usual, but things are definitely going at a slower pace. It takes a little longer to get people the answers they need. Normally, I could walk to a co-worker’s office to get information on the spot, but now an extra step is added as I have to contact them at their home. We’ve also had to issue permits by mail, which takes longer. Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job? Victoriaville and the Civic Centre are closed down to the public. We mostly communicate to members of the public through mail, email, and over the phone during this time, versus in person. Members of the public can’t come to our counter to get permits, so I walk them through how to do it step by step over the phone. Are you noticing an increase in amount of work? Yes. There are not as many people in the office, and things need to still happen on a daily basis to keep the office running. My job has been expanded and my workload has definitely increased. For example, now that I issue garbage tags, I am fielding at least 10 extra phone calls per day. I don’t mind helping out during this time, but it has definitely added to the workload. What should residents do to help keep you and your colleagues safe? Know that the Victoriaville Civic Centre is closed and you can’t access the building. To get answers to your questions, it’s easier to phone and email us during this time. What do you do when you get home to keep you and your household safe? I wash my hands and completely change out of my clothes. My clothes go in the wash right away, and everything that I took to work gets sanitized. And when you bike to work, that’s a lot of extra clothes and a lot of extra laundry! Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time? I have found that everyone is a lot more patient and are more appreciative of the work we are doing. I believe the pandemic has really brought the community closer, even though we are more physically separated. Another silver lining is getting the chance to talk to some of the senior residents who call us. You can tell some of them are lonelier during this time and want to chat more than usual. Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time? To be honest, the most inspiring thing is hearing from our frontline workers in the community. For example, people who work at EMS, Pioneer Ridge, St. Joe’s, or the hospital. They are going in to work every day regardless of the situation and that’s the best thing we can hope for. Is there anything else you’d like to add? Continue to practice physical distancing and stay safe, everyone!
Summer Lavallee - Youth Navigator, Youth Inclusion Program |
![]() Summer Lavallee is a Youth Navigator with the Youth Inclusion Program in the Recreation & Culture Division. The Youth Inclusion Program, which is youth-centred and youth-led, typically provides neighbourhood based programming created to fit the needs of youth ages 12 to 24 and provides a safe and positive environment for youth to reach out for extra support when needed.
What do you like most about your job? Special thanks to Summer for sharing her views on what it is like being a Youth Navigator during this time.
Redeployed Employees Working at Jasper Place, Pioneer Ridge and Meals on Wheels |
For this week’s Employee Spotlight, we reached out to employees currently redeployed to Jasper Place, Pioneer Ridge and Meals on Wheels. While we were limited to five redeployed employees for this interview, we wish to thank all redeployed staff for their dedication and can-do attitude towards upholding the highest standards of care on the City’s frontlines.
We asked Lisa Etienne, Senior Box Office Ticketing Agent, “what she likes most about her redeployed position at Jasper Place?” |
Laura Chard - Support Service Worker at Jasper Place |
What do you like most about your job? |
Danny Bois - Waste Collection Operator |
What do you like most about your job? |
Jeffrey Duce - Building Inspector |
What do you like most about your job? I’d say what I like most are the technical challenges that come up in the field. Things that force you to problem solve, think outside the box, and collaborate with colleagues to find acceptable solutions. It’s weird. Everyone I talk to in the field is feeling the same way. Contractors are putting measures in place on the job sites such as screening questions, changing work schedules to limit the amount of people in an area at a time, many staff wear masks, and hand washing stations have been added. Absolutely. The City has been quite proactive and is keeping our wellbeing a priority. Many of us have offices set up in our homes and have a specific time frame for when we can access the office to limit the social interactions between employees. Like I said it is weird, but I do appreciate it. A procedure was also created and is continuously updated for screening and entering private residences. We are also equipped with hand sanitizer and masks. At first the work was limited, but as things progress and as the Government slowly lightens the limitations in the Emergency Order, more and more projects are being allowed to open back up and proceed. Based on how things are progressing, I have my fingers crossed that the construction season will be back full tilt before we know it. Stay at home. I drive across the city from job site to job site and I have to say, the city is quieter than it normally would be. However, I still see people out and about in groups not respecting the importance of social distancing. I know it is very hard and challenging for society in many ways but, we still have to respect each other and follow the rules. For those who are respecting social distancing and doing their part, I appreciate the efforts! My wife wipes my keys and wallet off when I walk in the door and escorts me directly to the sink to wash up, and my boots stay outside. I don’t know, maybe it’s as simple as seeing how our community can proactively work together and respect the severity of this situation. There is a chance that this pandemic could possibly change how we view our everyday lives and operations for the better. Well come on – the Snow Birds! That was an awesome display for uplifting our emotions while staying locked away in our homes. My wife told me about the look on our kid’s faces when they flew over our house and I heard all about it when I got home. *Please note this interview was conducted prior to the tragic accident that took place on May 17. The City of Thunder Bay would like to extend our thoughts and condolences to those who were affected. Is there anything else you’d like to add? I feel very grateful to be providing an essential service and to still be working during these times. Thank you to everyone who is still working to provide care and services that we all rely on. And thank you, and hang in there, to those who are not working and are at home doing their part. |
Erika Cunningham - Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE) at Algoma Child Care Centre |
What do you like most about your job? Of course the children are always number one, helping them to develop their social skills in a safe and caring environment. You’re greeted with a hug and smile going into work every day. Giving parents peace of mind knowing their children are well cared for in their absence is an amazing feeling. It’s the same but not, you’re still there for the children and families every day, but there’s a lot more cleaning and protocols put in place. Social distancing with children is a struggle, and they have a hard time understanding why they can’t hug their friends or share certain toys. Wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) every day, physical distancing from coworkers and families, and screening each child and family entering the centre. We wash the children’s hands when entering the building and make sure everything goes home to be washed for the next day. My role has changed, which is something new and different from what I’m used to. Being a screener I do a lot of cleaning of the centre and toys, as well as being the face to greet the families and children when they enter. The work amount is still there just with some added safety precautions along with it. Social distancing and washing hands a lot are the main actions to help keep families and workers safe. There’s been an amazing amount of families being aware of the symptoms of covid and being so active in watching out for them in themselves and their children. Sanitizing and washing hands when leaving work, changing my clothes when I get home as well as washing any lunch containers I’ve used for the day. Lastly showering and then I am able to enjoy time with my family. During this time it’s been an honour to be able to help out the front line workers and their families. The gratitude we see from these families has been overwhelming, and it really puts into perspective how important our job is. I just want to add how proud I am of my coworkers and supervisors for spending the time and energy to get the emergency care up and running, you’re all amazing! |
Shane Muir - Community Paramedicine Coordinator (Acting) at Superior North EMS |
We discussed with Shane what it is like working during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Being able to find ways to give back to the community using new and innovative ways to provide front-line health care, and support other health care organizations, health care workers and front-line Paramedics. The Pandemic is making work really busy and time seems to pass by really quickly. There is an increased anxiety amongst the public and pressure on the health care system and emergency medical services sectors to provide a rapid and effective community pandemic response. There has been a high level of demand for services, which we continue to be ready to provide. However, constantly being in a state of high alert and being ready to respond, can cause an inability to relax or switch off at the end of the day. I personally have the tendency to be constantly thinking of the next day’s operations or what an appropriate initiative might be and am finding it very difficult to switch off. Oh yes, we have an abundance of protocols in place to keep us all safe on the job. For one we wear full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and do advanced infection protection and control measure training, especially for those on the Task Force who are conducting tests for COVID-19. We also have protocols in place for deep cleaning, and making sure specimens and infectious materials are well handled appropriately and kept safe at the right temperatures. In addition, when you enter the door way to our building we are initially screened when coming in and we are constantly and actively monitoring ourselves for any symptoms throughout the day. There are protocols in place everywhere you look around here. Absolutely. There has been a massive increase in the amount of work. In particular, the Paramedics are really stepping up to fill those roles and putting themselves forward to provide the community with the best possible response they can. I can’t say enough good things about what they are doing out there! It’s really amazing to see how they’ve gone outside of their normal roles to provide the community with the services they need. We have taken on testing for COVID-19, are helping out with public health, and starting new initiatives – which is all new territory for us. Things are working extremely well and it just goes to show that Paramedics are a great value to the health care system. Gaps have been recognized and Paramedics have been able to step up to fill those gaps by being flexible and adaptable to this situation. They should follow the public health guidelines and recommendations and keep isolated when possible. They should also maintain physical distancing when out and wash their hands as much as possible. It is important to protect themselves and their families by staying indoors when possible and not being in close contact with people outside of their household. By doing all of these measures, it will significantly help those working out in the community. I follow a lot of the similar protocols at home that I do at work. In my household, we do a lot of extra handwashing. We are making sure all of our surfaces are disinfected and clean. When possible, we are trying to make sure we only have in-person contact with the people in our household. When we are outside of our home, we are maintaining physical distancing and following the general public health guidelines as much as possible. We are reiterating these messages with our kids every day and trying to teach them how to be safe and not to get sick. Yes there is – I think it is really bringing to light the important work that Paramedics do for our community. It is showing that they are more valuable than just being on the ambulance, transporting patients and providing immediate care. They have had the opportunity to really come into the health care system and show how efficient and productive they can be. I think that is a huge silver lining to our profession as a whole. Yes I have. We have had amazing feedback come back from the community. We have done a lot of in-home testing for COVID-19. At first those getting tested and their families are very anxious, but the Paramedics are doing an amazing job to help decrease their anxiety, explain everything in detail, and make sure people feel at ease. We have had an amazing amount of feedback through emails and phone calls saying how great our Paramedics have been throughout this all, how appreciative they are, and that they can’t thank us enough for the support we are providing. I’d like to say thank you to all of the Paramedics out there working on the front lines and doing the COVID-19 testing. They have really stepped up to provide necessary services for our community. We see how much the Paramedics really do care – they are really special people and true professionals. It’s amazing to see them work with other health care organizations as well as provide cross-service support to help whenever they can. |
Amanda Suttie - Water Distribution/Wastewater Collection Operator |
We discussed with Amanda what it is like working on the front line during the COVID-19 Pandemic. I like the variety of jobs that we get to do, it is different everyday. There are so many different things that we do and I really enjoy the challenge. We often have to work under pressure and go pedal to the metal in order to fix an issue. At first I was a little nervous working during this difficult time, but I have gotten used to it over time. Our shifts have changed in order to accommodate the workload and we have been set up with the proper safety equipment so I feel a lot better. Yes – there are a lot of protocols in place. The first protocol is the screening questions. Not currently as we are only responding to emergency requests that are hazardous to the public including water main breaks, service leaks that impact resident’s drinking water or sewer related issues. Currently I am working on the Sewer Truck and it’s been quite busy due to the time of year, as we do get more sewer backups during the spring. Firstly if a resident is requesting in-home service for an issue such as a sewer backup or water entering the basement, they should answer all of the screening questions truthfully. It will help better prepare myself and my colleagues, give us a better idea of what to expect and allow us to wear the proper PPE. Secondly, don’t flush wipes down the toilet because it clogs the sewer lines. I have had to go into many people’s houses during this pandemic because people choose to flush wipes or paper towel down the drain. These items do not break down properly and end up clogging the sewer system. Lastly, be respectful of City workers during this pandemic because working during this time can be very stressful and we are doing the best we can. Because I wear a Tyvek suit while I am at work and can dispose of it when I am done, I feel a lot safer when I get home. As soon as I get home I wash my hands and my clothes and try not to touch my face. I also disinfect my vehicle every day. |
Terra DeCorte - Support Service Worker at Jasper Place |
![]() Terra DeCorte is a Support Service Worker at Jasper Place and has been employed at the City of Thunder Bay for 14 years.
We discussed with Terra what it is like working on the front line during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
I really like being able to be part of other people’s lives. The tenants are not my direct family, but at the same time they make up my extended family. It’s definitely a little challenging. On top of having to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) all the time, we are supporting our tenant’s mental health now more than we ever have before. Now essentially, we are our tenants’ family as we are the only ones they can have in-person contact with. So it’s really important for us to be there for them as much as we can be. For sure there are. All of the Support Service Workers are getting their temperature taken twice a day. Plus we are mandated to wear masks and gloves all day when we are in the building. Hand washing seems more abundant than ever. Plus there are a lot of things we get our tenants to partake in including practicing physical distancing when possible and getting them to wash their hands more frequently. If our tenants need to leave the building for any reason, they are being screened as they re-enter the building. Yes - we are doing a lot of deliveries as people are dropping off groceries or prescriptions to our tenants, but are unable to enter the building. Normally, we would not have to do those types of things because they’d be delivered directly to the apartment. Lastly, we are noticing that our tenants are feeling a little more down than usual, so we are spending more time in their apartments having one-on-one conversations with them.
My family knows that when I get home, they cannot touch me. The first thing I do is take my shoes off at the door and take them outside to spray them with disinfectant spray. Then I take the containers from my lunch bag put them in the sink to sanitize them and then I sanitize my lunch bag. I take my uniform off and put it directly into the washing machine. And finally I have a quick shower. After I am done all of these things, I finally feel safe and can be close to my family! Definitely, I believe the silver lining is that we have an amazing group of coworkers that have banded together and are all supporting one another as we continue to do our jobs. As well, I think our tenants now have a better knowledge of what we do and appreciate that we are doing all that we can to keep them safe during these uncertain times. Oh for sure! There are some really nice signs that our tenant’s families have made and placed in the yard so all can see them. There have also been beautiful chalk writings on the sidewalks and window paintings that say things such as “Stay Strong” and “Thank You”. I’d like to thank the City for having such a great Pandemic Plan. Here at Jasper Place, everything was shut down before it was shut down everywhere else. We had to pick a place to work immediately, wear PPE, and screeners were at the door from the beginning. As a Support Service Worker (Personal Support Worker) today, we are really thankful for what we have here at Jasper Place and at Pioneer Ridge. Special thanks to Terra for sharing her views on what it is like being a Support Service Worker during this time. |
Andy Parr - Thunder Bay Transit Driver |
What do you like most about your job?
What is it like being a Transit Driver during this time?
Are there any special protocols in place to keep you safe on the job?
Are you noticing an increase in the number of residents using Transit?
What should residents do to help keep you and your colleagues safe?
What do you do when you get home to keep you and your household safe?
Is there any silver lining to working during this difficult time?
Have you witnessed or heard of anything inspiring while working out in the community during this time?
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Special thanks to Andy for sharing his views and what it is like being a Transit Driver during this time.
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