This document is a comprehensive map and list of all Parks & Recreation facilities, including but not limited those owned by the City of Thunder Bay. It also includes schools and facilities run by community groups. Each facility is listed along with a summary of its features and the recreational activities available there, such as equipment for sports and amenities. The features are listed by code, but have been transcribed for this exhibit.

Although this inventory was assembled after amalgamation, many street names had not yet been changed and are still duplicated between the former two cities. (Thus, there are references to an Arthur St. in Port Arthur, etc.)

A historic map depicting the city of Thunder Bay and locations of its parks

A list of symbols and their explanations to interpret maps

City of Thunder Bay Park & Recreation Facilities List (Short Form) (All of City) January 1971, Revised June 16, 1971; March 30, 1972; July 30, 1973

[The rest of the page lists contact information for staff, and provides a list of codes that are used later in the document.] 

A list of symbols and typed infromation to interpret maps

A list of symbols and typed infromation to interpret maps

City of Thunder Bay Parks & Recreation Department

Note: . represents Park Area City Owned Land; _ represents Other Areas, Schools, Etc. For Area Code: 3 letters: Fort William, Neebing; 2 letters, Port Arthur, McIntyre


Map Area Code Acres Area Name Street Location Facilities 
AY  Academy Heights Development  S.E. off Oliver Road and Lyon Ave.  Proposed development, passive areas 
.ADM   - Administrative Offices  Cor. Donald & May St.  Tourist information; control-maintenance-storage centre 
AGJ   - Agnew Johnson School  Churchill Drive at Leland  Playground-supervised; 2 gymnasiums; seating for 750; shower; washrooms; community group centre; community cultural centre; 5 meeting rooms; concession and/or kitchen; playing field; auditorium with stage.  
.AL  1.0  Alberta & Munro  Cor. Off N. Algoma St.  Tot lot (unsupervised); parking on road.  
.ALX  0.42  Alexandra Park  Btwn Simpson, Southern, and William  Undeveloped.  
.AG    Algoma & River St. Triangle  Corner  Cut turf.  
.AGM  1.29  Algoma Park  Btwn Frederica & Francis St.  Outdoor hockey, ice skating, broomball; playground-supervised; parking on road.  
.AMD  Alma-Adair  Cor. Waterloo & Walsh  Playground-supervised; parking on road.  
.AML  1.23  Amelia Park  Btwn. Heath & Brown  Outdoor ice skating; parking on road.  
.AC   - Art Centre  Arthur St. By Lakefront Park  Community group centre; community cultural centre; parking for 100 cars. 
AH   - Arundel & Hodder Triangle  Corner  Cut turf.  
ASD   - Ashdale Lot  Cor. Arthur St. & Riverview Dr.  Outdoor ice skating; cut turf; parking on road.  
.ASH  1.78  Ashwood Park  Btwn. Inglewood, Off Lasalle  Cut turf; parking on road. 
BLM  - Bailey & Montreal Bailey Ave. off Montreal off James  Outdoor ice skating; parking on road.  
.BA  4.0  Balsam Recreation Site  Balsam St. & Parsons Ave  3 baseball diamonds; concession and/or kitchen; passive areas; cut turf; community group centre; water; electricity; parking adjacent to site for 50 cars.  
.BRH  0.14  Birch Wood Crescent  Off Miles, off Edward St.  Tot lot - unsupervised; outdoor ice skating. 
BL  3.8  Black Bay Road School  Cor. Leslie Ave off Hodder Ave  2 fastball diamonds; outdoor hockey, broomball, and ice skating; 2 tennis courts; playground-supervised; parking for 10.  
.BO  650  Boulevard Lake Park  Btwn Cumberland N. & Arundel Street  3 outdoor swimming sites; boat rental; floral display; waterfall or rapids; scenic lookout; 2 concessions and/or kitchens; tot lot-unsupervised; two tennis courts; gymnasium, historic site, monument, or building; passive areas; picnic area; park benches; snowmobiling area; outdoor night lighting; water; washrooms, parking for 400.  
.BP   - Brent Park  Balsam & Margaret Street  Soccer; 2 outdoor hockey, skating, or broomball rinks.  
.BLE   - Bruley Bay Wilderness Area  City Road South of Chippewa Park  Nature trail.  
.BU   - Burke Park  Montgomery St. (W) off John  Playground-supervised; 1 fastball diamond; passive areas; picnic area; nature trail; snowmobiling area; parking for 50.  
.CMB   - Cambrian Players  Corner of Pacific and McIntosh St  Community group centre; community cultural centre; parking on road.  


 A list of symbols and their definitions to interpret maps


City of Thunder Bay Parks & Recreation Department


Map Area Code Acres Area Name Street Location Facilities 
CLE Canadian Lakehead Exhibition Grounds  Btwn May & Fort William Road at McIntyre River  Snowmobiling area; 2 halls; 3 kitchens and/or concessions; mobile shows; washrooms; parking for 400; community group centre; community cultural centre; convention centre and political meetings; spectator sports and concerts; electricity; outdoor night lighting; auditorium.  
.CA 4.55  Carrick Recreation Centre  Marlborough Rd & Bay St (Also see GM)  Fastball; playground-supervised; 2 outdoor hockey, ice skating, or broomball rinks; kitchen and/or concession; volleyball & badminton; electricity; water; washrooms; parking on road.  
CDL   - Cathedral Square  Corner Archibald & Donald St  Floral display; passive areas; park benches; electricity; outdoor night lighting.  
.CE  147  Centennial Park  Centennial Park Road off Arundel Street  Tot lot-unsupervised; historic site, monument, or building; museum; control-maintenance-storage centre; down hill skiing; cross country skiing; toboggan slides; nature trails; floral display; tourist information; picnic area; park benches; waterfall or rapids; sleigh rides; 2 kitchens and/or concessions; washrooms; water; electricity; souvenir shop; parking for 150; proposed development.  
CNT   - Centennial Village (Department of Highways Property)  North West off Arthur & Expressway  Playground - mobile and supervised; parking on road.  
.CHL  340  Chapples Complex  See - CLF, CLG, CLR, DLY, FWS, TBT  Parking for 250.  
.CLG   - Chapples Golf Course  Btwn William and Ford St  Golf; control-maintenance-storage centre; community group centre; park benches; kitchen and/or concession; cut turf; parking for 50; proposed development.  
.CLF   - Chapples International Friendship Gardens  Btwn Victoria Ave, Tarbutt, & Hyde Park Ave  Historic site, monument, or building; floral display; passive areas; park benches; cut turf; electricity; water; washrooms; parking on road; proposed development.  
.CLR   - Chapples Recreation Area  West of Golf Course, end of Redwood Ave & Westminster St & near Delaney Arena  5 baseball diamonds; fastball; 3 outdoor hockey, broomball, or ice skating rinks; volleyball & badminton; 2 wading pools; passive area; 5 tennis courts; outdoor night lighting; washrooms; electricity; water; parking for 200; proposed development.
.CHW  258  Chippewa Park  City Road  Historic site, monument, or building; playground-supervised; day camp; control-maintenance-storage centre; tourist information; zoo; parking for 300; amusement rides; swimming; boat landing; floral display; picnic area; passive area; 2 fastball diamonds; outdoor bleachers; toboggan slides; snowmobiling area; nature trails; ice skating; park benches; hall; supervised tourist campgrounds; washrooms; water; electricity; shower; boat rental; marina; cabin rentals; outdoor night lighting; scenic lookout; souvenir shop; 2 kitchens and/or concessions; hall with capacity of 232.  
CYH   - City Hall  Corner Donald & May St  Control-maintenance-storage centre; historic site, monument, or building; floral display.  
.CL  32.7  Clarkson Recreation Site  Clarkson Ave off Red River Road (same as Hammarskjold High School)  Tot lot-unsupervised; 2 fastball diamonds; 4 tennis courts; track & field, football; outdoor hockey, broomball, or ice skating; electricity; water; outdoor night lighting; parking for 250.  
CG  3.1  Claude Garton School  Surrey between Leslie & Grenville (also see SR)  Playground-supervised; community group centre; 5 meeting rooms; gymnasium with seating for 400; washrooms; volleyball & badminton; 2 fastball diamonds; kitchen and/or concession.  
CFD   - Confederation College  Corner Edward & William St.  Outdoor hockey, ice skating, or broomball; football; nature trail; community group centre; 5 meeting rooms; gymnasium; showers; water; parking for 500; basketball; volleyball & badminton.  
.CO  0.30  Connaught Square  Between Arthur, Algoma, & Waverley  Floral display; historic site, monument, or building; park benches; passive area; outdoor night lighting; electricity.  
.CVY  5.22  Conservatory & Greenhouse  Corner Dease & Balmoral  Floral display, historic site, monument,  or building; control-maintenance-storage centre; passive area; outdoor night lighting; electricity; water, parking for 100.  
CW  0.9  Cornwall School  Between Secord & Algoma St  Community group centre; 5 meeting rooms; parking for 30; 2 basketball courts; 2 volleyball or badminton courts; washrooms.  
.CM   - Cumberland Parkette  Water St (S) & Cumberland St (S)  Proposed development, passive area, urban renewal.  
.CR  50.0  Current River Park  Cumberland St. (N)  Tot lot-unsupervised; football; passive area; floral display; swimming; picnic area; waterfall or rapids; washrooms; electricity; parking for 100.  
.DSK  2.17  Dease Park  Corner Vickers & Dease between Pruden  Playground-supervised; basketball; volleyball & badminton; swimming; floral display; park benches; passive area; electricity; outdoor night lighting; water; parking on road.  
.DSL  0.44  Dease Pool  Corner Vickers  Outdoor swimming pool; washrooms; showers; outdoor night lighting; electricity; water; parking on road.  
.DLY   - W. Delaney Arena  Corner Hyde Park Ave & Pine St, off Victoria Ave  Covered ice surface for hockey, skating, or broomball; kitchen and/or concession; control-maintenance-storage centre; community group centre; indoor bleachers; spectator sports and concerts; parking for 100; hall with fixed seats for 565, 130 standing, tables and chairs 1700, dancing 1420.
DG   - Dewe-Grenville Playfield Site #4  Corner Dewe & Arundal S to Grenville  Proposed development - Master Plan.  

 A list of symbols and definition to interpret maps with

City of Thunder Bay Parks & Recreation Department

Map Area Code Acres  Area Name  Street Location  Facilities  
.DHG   - D.H.O. Garage (Service Yard)  Brunswick off Arthur at Sills  Control-maintenance-storage centre; parking for 15; washrooms. 
DRW  2.6  Drew School  Corner Syndicate & Finlayson St  Outdoor ice skating; playing field-general.  
DC   - Drop-in Centre  Corner Cumberland & Ambrose St  Community group centre; parking on road; social recreation & entertainment; community cultural centre; passive games; washrooms.  
.ESN  3.14  East End Park  Pacific at McBain  Playground-supervised; basketball; 2 fastball diamonds; wading pool; park benches; outdoor hockey, broomball, or ice skating; washrooms; electricity; water.  
EGT  4.3  Edgewater Park School  Corner Victoria & James St  Playground-supervised; outdoor ice skating; parking on road; community group centre; washrooms; gymnasium with fixed seating for 400; basketball; fastball; soccer; kitchen and/or concession. 
.EWD  3.22  Edward Park  Between Isabella & Ridgeway at Pinedale Place  Proposed development: park benches; floral display; parking on road.  
.ELW  0.24  Elmwood  Off Donald between Edward & Leland  Tot lot-unsupervised; outdoor ice skating; parking on road.  
ENG   - Engineers Department  City Hall   -
FP   - Forrest Park School  Corner Junot & Windsor St   -
.FR  3.15  Farrand Park  Off River St on McVicars Creek  Passive area; parking on road.  
.FI  0.83  Fitzgerald Recreation Centre  Off Cumberland St  Playground-supervised; 2 outdoor rinks for hockey, broomball or ice skating; kitchen and/or concession; washrooms; electricity; water; parking on road.  
FWC  1.4  Fort William Collegiate  Corner Marks & Isabella  Outdoor skating; community group centre; washrooms; 4 meeting rooms; gymnasium with fixed seating for 750; showers; 2 tennis courts; parking for 75; auditorium seating 200 with stage.  
.FCC   - Fort William Curling Club  Corner Vickers & Miles behind Gardens (see GDN)  Curling; kitchen and/or concession; community group centre; spectator sports and concerts; washrooms.  
.FWSC   - Fort William Ski Club (Mount McKay Ski Area)  Highway #61  Down hill skiing; kitchen and/or concession. 
.FWS   - Fort William Stadium  Hyde Park Ave off Victoria Ave  Baseball; football; track & field, soccer; kitchen and/or concession; outdoor bleachers; spectator sports and concerts; washrooms; electricity; water; parking for 100. 
FTW   - Fort William Ward   -  -
FRN   - Francis St. School  Corner Francis & Ford St  Gymnasium with seating for 200; basketball; volleyball and badminton; soccer; auditorium with seating for 100; parking for 20. 
FKN  Franklin School  At Miles & Balmoral St  Outdoor ice skating; community group centre; 1 meeting room; gymnasium; washrooms; parking on road; basketball; volleyball and badminton; playing field - general; auditorium with seating for 50. 
.FRD  0.39  Frederica Tot Lot  Btwn Crawford & Home Ave  Outdoor ice skating; parking on road. 
.GDN  1.65  Fort William Gardens  Between Miles, John & Vickers (also see FCC)  Covered ice surface for hockey, skating, or broomball; figure skating; roller skating; 3 kitchens and/or concessions; control-maintenance-storage centre; community group centre; community cultural centre; convention centre and political meetings; spectator sports and concerts; hall with tables and chairs for 1500; mobile shows (circus and entertainers); wrestling; boxing; parking on road; hall with room for 5751 dancing; 4551 fixed seats, 1200 standing, 1500 chairs and dancing.  
.GD   - Gordon & River Triangle   - Cut turf. 
.GV  16.5  Grandview Arena  Madeleine St off River St  Covered surface for hockey, ice skating, or  broomball; half with room for 424 fixed seats, 256 standing, 1440 tables & chairs; 2 outdoor rinks for hockey, ice skating, or broomball; kitchen and/or concession; basketball; tennis; volleyball or badminton; control-maintenance-storage centre; community group centre; floor hockey; scoop ball; floor games; crafts; parking for 75; parking adjacent to site for 200; hall with capacity 1200 dancing & chairs.  

 A list of symbols along with their written meanings

Map Area Code Acres Area Name Street Location Facilities 
GRN  4.6  Green Acres School  Corner Isabella & Leland  Outdoor ice skating; gymnasium; washrooms; playing field - general; auditorium with stage. 
.GRY  0.18 4.6  Grey Crescent & Grey Park School  Off Walsh St. (Grey Crescent 60' x 33')  Tot lot - unsupervised.  School: community group centre; washrooms; meeting room; kitchen and/or concession; gymnasium; basketball; parking for 20; volleyball or badminton; playing field.
.GR  2.20  Gresley Court Park  Between Hodder & Strathcona Avenue  Outdoor ice skating; passive areas. 
GM   - Gron Morgan Memorial High School  Corner Marlborough Road & Whitney Avenue (also see CA)  Community group centre; washrooms; showers; kitchen and/or concessions; 5 meeting rooms; parking for 50; gymnasium with room for 400; volleyball or badminton; basketball; auditorium with seating for 400 and a stage.  
GT   - Golden Tee Driving Range  Arthur (Hwy. 17-11) by Airport  Golf. 
HM   - Hammarskjold High School  Clarkson Ave at Oak Ave (also see CL)  Archery; gymnasium with seating for 750; washrooms; showers; kitchen or concession; parking for 250; 2 rifle ranges; playing field - general; auditorium with seating for 200 and a stage. 
.HTH  3.0  Heath Park  Between Francis & Brock at Yonge Street  Tot lot - unsupervised; outdoor swimming pool; wading pool; basketball; floral display; historic site, monument, or building; passive areas; park benches; washrooms; showers; electricity; water; parking on road.  
.HJ  0.26  High, John, Oliver Triangle  Between  Floral display. 
HH  6.1  Hillcrest High School  Corner High & Van Norman St  Community group centre; 5 meeting rooms; washrooms; showers; auditorium with seating for 400 and a stage; football; track and field; basketball; volleyball or badminton; tennis; two gymnasiums; kitchen and/or concession; soccer; scenic lookout; outdoor bleachers; spectator sports and concerts; parking for 50.  
.HI  9.5  Hillcrest Park  High St between Dufferin & Cornwall  Historic site, monument, or building; floral display; passive areas; scenic lookout; parking for 50. 
.HN  0.39  Hinton  (2 locations off River St, off Whalen St.) (also see MC)  Tot lot - unsupervised; 2 outdoor ice skating rinks; parking on road. 
HD   - Hodder Fire Station  Hodder Avenue  Outdoor ice skating. 
.HG  0.27  Hogarth  Off River St, off Whalen St  Outdoor ice skating, tot lot - unsupervised; parking on road.  
.HLY  0.30  Holly  Off Walsh St.  Tot lot - unsupervised; outdoor ice skating; parking on road.  
HL  3.43  Holy Cross School  Alberta St. off Picadilly Ave  Parking for 50; community group centre; 5 meeting rooms with capacity for 100; washrooms; playing field - general.  
.HLT  0.79  Holt  Between Georgina off Mary St  Tot lot - unsupervised; outdoor ice skating; parking on road.  
.HOM  0.29  Home  Home Avenue N. off Mary  Tot lot - unsupervised; outdoor ice skating; parking on road.  
HW  5.5  C.D. Howe School  Wishart Crescent off Clarkson St  Community group centre; washrooms; 5 meeting rooms; parking for 50; library; kitchen and/or concession.  
HYD  2.3  Hyde Park School  Corner Tarbutt & Walsh  Outdoor ice skating; 2 gymnasia with capacity for 100; washrooms; parking on road; kitchen and/or concession; basketball; playing field - general.  
ISB  1.3  Isabella School  Corner Franklin & Isabella St.  Parking on road; outdoor ice skating; gymnasium; washrooms; basketball; playing field - general; auditorium with stage.  
IYFC   - Indian Youth Friendship Centre  Corner Cumberland & Clayte St.  Community group centre; community recreation centre; souvenir shop; kitchen and/or concession; crafts; floor games; passive games; social recreation and entertainment; hall; parking for 30; outdoor ice skating.  

A list of symbols along with their typed definitions

Map Area Code Acres Area Name Street Location Facilities 
.JP  16.35  Jack Pine Community Centre  Off Oliver Rd W. of x-way on Community Hall Road  Community recreation centre; passive areas; outdoor hockey, ice skating, or broomball; playground - mobile and supervised; kitchen and/or concession; snowmobiling area; crafts; floor games; passive games; social recreation; parking for 75; hall with capacity for 263 seated; 210 at tables; 175 with dancing and tables.  
JA   - John-Alder (Kinsmen Lodge)  Off Corner John Street & Alder Avenue (owned by Kinsmen Retarded Lodge)  Outdoor ice skating. 
.JJ  19.04  John & Jumbo Community Centre  End of Toivo St. off Red River Road  Community recreation centre; passive areas; outdoor hockey, skating, or broomball; playground - mobile & supervised; kitchen and/or concession; snowmobiling area; parking for 50; crafts; floor games; passive games; social recreation; hall 1 with space for 125 seated, 100 at tables, 85 with tables and dancing; hall 2 with space for 98 seated, 78 at tables, 66 with tables and dancing.
JG   - E.Q. Jennings S. School  John St. near Clarkson  Outdoor ice skating; parking for 30. 
KRT   - Karate School (Tzuruoka)  208 Simpson Street  Karate; community group centre; washrooms; showers; spectator sports and concerts. 
.KWA   - Kingsway-Arthur Triangle  Corner Kingsway & Arthur  Floral display; cut turf.  
.KWL  0.59  Kingsway-Lillie Park  Corner Kingsway & Lillie  Outdoor ice skating; passive areas. 
.KWM  0.45  Kingsway-McGregor Park  Corner triangle between Harvard St.  Outdoor ice skating. 
KWS  1.0  Kingsway Park School  Corner Empire & Tarbutt (also see HYD)  Gymnasium; washrooms; playing field - general; auditorium with stage; parking on road.  
.LF  34.2  Lakefront Park (Also see MR & AC)  Off Water St, end of Arthur  Boat rental; boat landing; passive areas; proposed development; marina; urban renewal; parking for 100. 
LPB   - Lakehead Planning Board  995 Memorial Ave.  Community group centre; parking for 15. 
LRCA   - Lakehead Region Conservation Authority  T.B. Hydro Building, Cumberland & Van Norman  Community group centre. 
LSPC   - Lakehead Social Planning Council  995 Memorial Ave  Community group centre; parking for 15; community cultural centre. 
LU   - Lakehead University  Oliver Rd at McIntyre River  Indoor swimming pool; gymnasium; basketball; volleyball or badminton; library; 2 handball courts; 2 squash courts; 2 tennis courts; football. 
LUFE   - L.U. Faculty of Education  Oliver Rd between Lyon Ave & x-way  Community group centre; community cultural centre; auditorium; parking for 250.  
.LSS   - Last Spike   - Proposed development.  
LA   - Library - Arthur St. Branch  Arthur & Waverley St.  Library; community cultural centre; historic site, monument, or building; movie/films; parking on road. 
LBR   - Library - Brodie Street Branch  Brodie St. N. off Arthur  Library; community cultural centre; historic site, monument, or building; movie/films; parking on road. 
LMB   - Library - Mary J.L. Black Branch  Corner Brock & Brown  Library; community cultural centre; historic site, monument, or building; movie/films; parking on road.  
.LLL  0.29  Lillie  Corner Lillie and Ridgeway Street 

Tot lot - unsupervised; wading pool; parking  on road.  



A typed list of symbols and their written meanings

Map Area Code Acres Area Name Street Location Facilities 
.MC  5.0  Sir John A. MacDonald School & Park  Logan Ave. off Crescent (also see HN)  Playground - supervised; community group centre; meeting room with space for 50; washrooms; parking for 50; gymnasium; basketball; tennis; playing field - general; auditorium with stage. 
.MGL   - McGillivray Square  Corner May & Donald Street (City Hall)  Floral display; cut turf; park benches; passive areas; parking on road.  
 .MPW 0.16  Maplewood  Between Victoria & Park Row  Tot lot - unsupervised; parking on road.  
.MR   - Marina (see LP & AC)  Off Water St, end of Arthur  Marina.  
MKR  2.7  McKellar Park School  Archibald at Cummings St.  Outdoor ice skating; community group centre; washrooms; 4 meeting rooms; parking for 30; gymnasium; basketball; fastball; soccer; auditorium with stage.  
.MK  2.0  McVicar's Creek Park  Between Court & Jean St.  Passive areas; waterfall or rapids; nature trail; parking on road. 
MP  8.5  McVicar's Creek Parkway Conservation #1  Between Madeline & Hinton  Passive areas; waterfall or rapids; nature trail; parking on road. 
.MV  1.9  McVicar's Street Park  Between Court & N. Cumberland  Passive areas; waterfall or rapids; nature trail; outdoor night lighting; parking on road. 
.ME  0.45  Memorial Ave. Triangle  Corner Memorial & High Street  Cut turf. 
.MNS  2.57  Minnesota Park (also see WDL)  Corner Minnesota & Pacific Avenue  Playground - supervised; basketball; fastball; outdoor swimming pool; passive areas; 2 outdoor rinks for hockey, broomball, or ice skating; washrooms; showers; electricity; water; parking on road.  
.MSD  1.15  Mission Island  5th Street between 4th and 5th Ave  Playground - supervised; outdoor rink for hockey, ice skating, and broomball; electricity; parking on road.  
MB   - Mount Baldy Ski Area  Off Hwy 800 2 miles north from Hwy 17-11  5 down hilll skiing slopes; 2 concessions and/or kitchens; community group centre; washrooms; parking for 200; 10 nature trails.  
.MTN   - Mountain & Superior  Off corner Mountain & Superior  Outdoor ice skating; parking on road.  
.MNV   - Mountain View Cemetery  Corner Broadway Ave & Expressway  Cut turf; floral display; parking for 50.  
.MGC  95  Municipal Golf Course  Rosslyn Rd at Twin City Crossroad  Golf; concession and/or kitchen; control-maintenance-storage centre; community group centre; cut turf; parking for 50.  
.NBG  2.04  Neebing Arena  Broadway Ave & 20th  Hall with room for 360 in fixed seats, 360 standing, 900 at tables, 900 with dancing and tables; covered surface for hockey, ice skating, or broomball; concession and/or kitchen; portable indoor swimming pool; control-maintenance-storage centre; community group centre; spectator sports and concerts; indoor bleachers; snowmobiling area; parking for 75; washrooms; showers. 
NBF (PF1)   - Neebing-Frederica Playfield #1  Corner Neebing & Frederica  Proposed development. 
NBP (PF1)   - Neebing Playfield #1  Off corner Neebing & Gore Street  Proposed development. 
NRC  7.9  Neebing River Conservation Area #1  Between Edward & Ford St  Passive areas. 
NHB   - Neighbours Association  Ogden Public School, 483 Simpson Street  Community group centre.  

A typed list of symbols and their written meanings

Map Area Code Acres Area Name Street Location Facilities 
.NO  6.0  North End Community Centre  Huron Ave. off Balsam Street  Community recreation centre; baseball; fastball; playground - supervised; concession and/or kitchen; 3 outdoor rinks for hockey, skating, or  broomball; social recreation; crafts; passive games; floor games; parking for 75; hall with room for 165 seated, 132 at tables and chairs, 109 with tables and dancing. 
NM   - North McIntyre Community Centre  Government Road off Ada Ave  Community recreation centre; concession and/or kitchen; outdoor rink for hockey, ice skating, or broomball; passive games; crafts; floor games; social recreation ;parking for 50; snowmobiling area; hall. 
.NNB  4.3  North Neebing Community Centre  Rosslyn Road & 20th Side Road  Community recreation centre; playground - supervised; 2 fastball diamonds; outdoor rink for hockey, ice skating, or broomball; hall; concession and/or kitchen; passive games; floor games; crafts; social recreation; parking for 75; snowmobiling area; hall with room for 188 in fixed seats, 150 at tables and chairs, 125 with tables and dancing. 
.NWD  4.68  Northwood Park (for school see SVN)  Between Pine, Sycamore, Spruce, & Hemlock Place  See SVN and AGJ. 
OFW   - Old Fort William  Point de Meuron off Broadway Ave. Contact Mr. Bud Crocker  Historic site, monument, or building; passive areas. 
.OL  2.32  Oliver Road Community Centre  Cor. Enniskillen  Community recreation centre; playground - supervised; fastball; outdoor rink for hockey, broomball, or ice skating; floral display; concession and/or kitchen; passive games; floor games; crafts; parking for 25; social recreation; 2 halls.  
PW-P   - Public Works - North Yard  Yard - Front Street  -
PW-F   - Public Works - South Yard  Mountain & Isabella  Proposed development.  
PG   - Pagoda  Corner Arthur & Water St.  Tourist information; floral display; electricity; outdoor night lighting; parking for 6.  
.PK  7.0  Park Arena  Corner Cumberland & Grenville  Fastball; parking for 50.  
.PTR  0.83  Paterson Park  Between Leith & Miles at May St  Tourist information; fountain; floral display; passive areas; park benches; parking for 100; outdoor night lighting; electricity.  
PIC   - Picnic - Benches, Tables, Fireplaces - General   -  -
PI   - Pine Street School Corner Pine & Red River Road.  Community group centre; parking for 50; washrooms; 5 meeting rooms; concession and/or kitchen; library; outdoor ice skating; fastball. 
PN   - Picton Park  End of Picton Ave off Windsor  Passive areas; parking on road; cut turf.  
.PP  1.80  Poplar  Off Maple, off John St.  Playground - supervised; outdoor ice skating; proposed development - wading pool; parking on road; cut turf; fastball. 
.PT  2.87  Port Arthur Arena  Lisgar off High & Winnipeg Ave  Covered ice surface for hockey, skating, or broomball; figure skating; concession and/or kitchen; community group centre; spectator sports and concerts; indoor bleachers; parking for 200; hall with seating for 960, room for 190 standing, 1440 at tables and chairs, 1890 with tables and dancing. 
PC   - Port Arthur Collegiate Institute  Between Arthur St at Waverley  Community group centre; 5 meeting rooms; washrooms; showers; parking for 50; concession and/or kitchen; 2 gymnasia; auditorium with stage.  
PCC   - Port Arthur Curling Club  Egan St. W. off Cumberland  Curling; community group centre; concession and/or kitchen; spectator sports and concerts; parking for 50. 
.PS  8.68  Port Arthur Stadium (also see WN)  Corner High & Lisgar  3 baseball diamonds; track & field; football; soccer; control-maintenance-storage centre; community group centre; outdoor rink for hockey, skating, or broomball; washrooms; concession and/or kitchen; outdoor night lighting; electricity; water; showers; fixed seats for 2200; spectator sports and concerts; parking for 200; outdoor bleachers.  
PA   - Port Arthur Ward - General  City of Thunder Bay - North   -
.PRB  0.26  Prince Arthur Blvd  Corner Ogden St.  Cut turf. 
PR  7.9  Prospect School  Between High, Dawson & Tupper  Outdoor ice skating; playground - supervised; parking for 20; 2 fastball diamonds; soccer; playing field.

A list of symbols and their typed meanings

Map Area Code Acres Area Name Street Location Facilities 
QU  3.4  Queen Elizabeth School  Between High, Ontario, & Hester  Playground - supervised; parking for 50; 2 gymnasia; washrooms; playing field ;fastball. 
.RB   - Ray Boulevard    Cut turf, undeveloped. 
.RP   - Ray Park  Carrick Site (N Side) Marlborough Rd.  Cut turf, undeveloped, see CA. 
RAC   - Recreation Active Centre (for Handicapped)  Old C.M.H.C. building 1200 Victoria Avenue at Marks  Community group centre; parking on road.  
RWD  2.9  Redwood School  Corner Westminster St. (also see NWD & CLR)  Gymnasium; washrooms; playground - supervised; outdoor ice skating. 
.RG  5.50  Regent Park  Between River, Dawson, Peter and Jean  Passive areas; nature trail; scenic lookout; toboggan slides; waterfall or rapids; outdoor night lighting.  
SAC   - Saint Andrews Church  Corner Donald & Brodie St.  Control-maintenance-storage centre; community group centre; 2 halls; washrooms; concession and/or kitchen; parking on road; 5 meeting rooms. 
SWD  3.0  St. Edwards School  Corner Oakwood & Donald St.   Outdoor rink for hockey, skating, or broomball; parking for 80; community group centre; washrooms; showers; 5 meeting rooms; concession and/or kitchen; gymnasium with room for 250; basketball; playing field.  
SLB  1.4  Saint Elizabeth's School  Corner Selkirk & Collins Pl.  Community group centre; 5 meeting rooms; parking for 20; washrooms; volleyball or badminton; playing field; gymnasium/auditorium with stage.  
SA  2.0  Saint James School  Between River, Court St.  Community group centre; parking for 25; washrooms; showers; 4 meeting rooms; gymnasium; basketball; fastball; playing field.  
.SJ  4.2  St. John's Parkette & Separate School  Between Pearl, Lincoln, & Ray Blvd South, off Oliver Road  Parkette: proposed development, urban renewal. School: community group centre; 5 meeting rooms; parking for 25; basketball; soccer. 
SM  3.5  St. Margaret's School  Between Clayte, Blaquier & Gibson  Community group centre; 5 meeting rooms; washrooms; fastball; soccer. 
.SMT  4.0  St. Martin's Recreation Field and School  Corner Edward & Empire Ave.  2 outdoor rinks for hockey, broomball, or ice skating; football; tether ball; electricity; washrooms; water; outdoor bleachers; parking on road. 
.SP  0.15  St. Patrick's Square  Between Red River Road at College  Floral display; cut turf; water.  
SPR   - St. Peter's School  Corner McIntosh & Pacific  Community group centre; 5 meeting rooms; washrooms; parking for 25; gymnasium with room for 400; 2 basketball courts; volleyball or badminton; concession and/or kitchen. 
STN  0.66  St. Stanislaus School  Corner Miles & North St off May St.  Outdoor rink for hockey, ice skating, or broomball; community group centre; washrooms; parking for 25; basketball; volleyball or badminton.  
SVN   - St. Vincent's School  Redwood Ave at James St.  2 outdoor rinks for hockey, broomball, or ice skating; community group centre; concession and/or kitchen; playing field; 5 meeting rooms; gymnasium with room for 500; basketball; volleyball or badminton. 
SLK  7.14  Selkirk High School  Corner Selkirk & Walsh  Outdoor ice skating; community group centre; community cultural centre; washrooms; 5 meeting rooms; concession and/or kitchen; parking for 100; 2 gymnasia with room for 500; 2 volleyball or badminton courts; 2 basketball courts; indoor bleachers; showers; football; track & field; auditorium with stage.  
.SC   - Senior Citizens' Centre  St. Paul St off Cameron Street Community group centre; passive games; social recreation; washrooms; concession and/or kitchen.  
.SCC   - Senior Citizens' Centre  Simpson between Victoria & Miles  Community group centre; passive games; social recreation; concession and/or kitchen; washroom. 
.SE   - Service Centre - Yard  Corner Cumberland (N) and Gibson  Control-matinenance-storage centre; floral display; cut turf. 
SH  6.0  Shuniah School  Corner Alberta Ave  Playground - supervised; 2 fastball diamonds; parking for 30. 
SSV   - Social Services  City Hall Annex -- Donald & May Streets  

 A typed list of symbols and their meanings

Map Area Code Acres Area Name Street Location Facilities 
.SNB  4.40  South Neebing Community Centre  Mountain Road East off 20th Side Road  Community recreation centre; outdoor rink for hockey, ice skating, and broomball; playground - supervised; football; social recreation; parking for 50; concession and/or kitchen; snowmobiling area; crafts; floor games; passive games, 2 halls.  
.SNY  2.51  Stanley Park Community Centre  Wilroy Avenue off Arthur Street  Community recreation centre; concession and/or kitchen; crafts; floor games; passive games; 2 halls.  
.SR  4.17  Strathcona Community Centre  Grenville & Leslie at Lillian  Community recreation centre; 2 outdoor rinks for hockey, ice skating, or broomball; 2 baseball diamonds; playground-supervised; parking for 30; social recreation; wading pool; concession and/or kitchen; crafts; floor games; passive games; 2 halls.  
.SG  250.16  Strathcona Golf Course  Corner Arundel & Hodder Avenue  Golf, control-maintenance-storage centre; community group centre; cut turf; concession and/or kitchen; passive games; parking for 50; hall. 
.STV   - Stevely Park  Francis St. off Piper Ave. at Neebing River  Passive areas; nature trail.  
.SWG  3.94  Swing Bridge Park  James St. at Kam River  Nature trail; passive areas; parking for 100; snowmobiling area. (C.N. recreational association.)  
.TRB  2.0  Tarbutt Park  Between Brock & Mary  Playground - supervised; community group centre; fastball; basketball; lob ball;  
.TH  2.86  Third & High  Corner Third & High St.  Outdoor rink for hockey, broomball, or ice skating; parking for 30. 
TBGC  - Thunder Bay Golf & Country Club  Oliver Rd at Golf Links Rd  Golf; curling; community group centre; concession and/or kitchen; spectator sports and concerts; parking for 150; washrooms; showers. 
.THL  0.28  Thistle  Off Isabella at Shamrock Crescent  Outdoor rink for ice skating. 
TBM   - Thunder Bay Museum  By Corner May & Donald by City Hall  Community cultural centre; community group centre; museum.  
TBH   - Thunder Bay Hydro  Corner Cumberland & Van Norman   -
TBT   - Thunder Bay Tennis Club  Corner Brunswick & Pine St (beside CHL)  4 tennis courts; community group centre; concession and/or kitchen; parking for 50; washrooms.  
TA (PF#4)   - Toledo & Arundel  Corner Toledo & Arundel See Master Plan  Proposed development; playground - supervised; parking on road.  
.TR  43.91  Trowbridge Falls Park & Campgrounds Boulevard Lake Complex (Approved Park Campgrounds)  Hodder Ave. north of Expressway  Picnic area; nature trail; tot lot - unsupervised; tourist information; waterfall or rapids; scenic lookout; park benches; concession and/or kitchen; floral display; cross-country skiing; snowmobiling area; souvenir shop; washrooms; showers; electricity; water; supervised tourist campgrounds; parking for 160; passive area; parking for 100.  
UNB   - Uniberry Park  Between Newberry & Bayberry Crescent  Cut turf; proposed development: tennis, volleyball, and badminton; parking on road.  
.VCH  2.8  Vickers Heights Community Centre  Broadway Ave 1/4 mi. past Victor St.  Community recreation centre; playground-supervised; outdoor rink for hockey, ice skating, and broomball; park benches; social recreation; concession and/or kitchen; parking for 50; fastball; floor games; passive games; crafts; hall.  
.VCK  9.47  Vickers Park  Between Brunswick, Arthur & Selkirk  Floral display; park benches; playground - supervised; picnic area; basketball; volleyball or badminton; wading pool; washrooms; electricity; water; parking on road.  
.VCT  1.59  Victoria Park  Corner Sills & Tarbutt at Donald  (Active Recreation); tot lot - unsupervised; parking on road.  
.VO  5.82  Volunteer Pool Community Centre  Corner Dawson & Martha North off High Street  Community recreation centre; outdoor swimming pool; wading pool; playground - mobile & supervised; 2 tennis courts; outdoor rink for hockey, ice skating, or broomball; volleyball or badminton; concession and/or kitchen; fastball; showers; hall; floor games; passive games; crafts; social recreation; boxing; parking for 75.  
.VAL  1.6  Vale Recreation Site  Corner Vale & Lasalle off Redwood Avenue   -
.WA  5.24  Waverley Park  Btwn Arthur St. (also see PC)  Floral display; historic site, monument, or building; passive areas; fountain; park benches; electricity; water; parking for 50 and on road.  

 A typed list of symbols and their meanings

Map Area Code Acres Area Name Street Location Facilities 
.WYD  4.35  Wayland Recreation Area  Mary St. off Euclid Avenue  Community group centre; playground - supervised; fastball; 3 outdoor rinks for hockey, broomball, or ice skating; basketball; football; tetherball; washrooms; electricity; water; parking for 30.  
WSL   - Wesley United Church  Corner Brodie & Miles  Community group centre; parking for 75; washrooms; auditorium with stage and seating for 500; concession and/or kitchen.  
.WRT  10.0  West Arthur Community Centre  Arthur St. off Mapleward Road  Community recreation centre; hall with seating for 249, 199 at tables and chairs, or 165 with chairs and dancing; playground - mobile and supervised; outdoor rink for hockey, ice skating, or broomball; fastball; concession and/or kitchen; park benches; parking for 50; social recreation; floor games; crafts; passive games.  
WSF   - Westfort Community Centre  Corner Sprague & Empire  Community recreation centre; concession and/or kitchen; community group centre; parking on road; social recreation; crafts; floor games; passive games; 2 halls. 
WSG  8.0  Westgate High School  Corner Walsh & James St.  Outdoor rink for hockey, ice skating, or broomball; 2 gymnasia; showers; 2 basketball courts; 2 courts for volleyball or badminton; football; track and field; auditorium with stage and seating for 750; concession and/or kitchen; community group centre; community cultural centre; parking for 50.  
WSM   - Westmount School  Corner Begin & Edward  Gymnasium; parking for 30; basketball; 2 fastball diamonds; soccer; auditorium with stage.  
.WDL   - Widnall Pool (see MNS)  Between Atlantic, Pacific & St. Paul Street  See MNS 
.WGD  0.5  Wiegand & Marks  Off corner near CNR tracks  Outdoor rink for hockey, ice skating, or broomball. 
.WI  1.0  Wilson Parkette  Wilson St. off Algoma & Court  Playground - supervised; floral display; passive areas; wading pool; park benches; washrooms; electricity; water; parking on road; outdoor rink for ice skating. 
.WN  14.26 Winnipeg Park (also see PS)  Between Inchiquin & Catherine Street  Baseball; passive areas; proposed development: 2 fastball diamonds; parking for 200.  
WNC  7.2  Sir Winston Churchill High School and Northwood High School  Between Parkway Dr. & Windsor Ave. off Edward St.   Parking for 100; community group centre; 5 meeting rooms; gymnasium; showers; concession and/or kitchen; indoor bleachers for 2000; basketball; washrooms; volleyball or badminton; playing field - general; auditorium with stage and seating for 2000; community cultural centre. 
WS   - Wishart Park  Current River  Trowbridge near Cascades (Lakehead Conservation Authority)  Nature trail; passive areas; picnic area; parking for 30; snowmobiling area.  
.WD  0.27  Woodside  Off Whalen, off River  Tot lot - unsupervised; outdoor rink for ice skating; parking on road.  
YT   - Youth Centre  Near Corner Cumberland & Ambrose (also see DC)  Community group centre.  
.YTH   - (Youth Centre) Civic Development Service   - Community group centre; social recreation; passive games; washrooms. 
 - YM-YWCA  Corner Arthur St. & Regent St.  Indoor swimming pool; community group centre; parking for 50; showers; 3 meeting rooms.  
 - YM-YWCA  Corner Miles & Archibald St.   Indoor swimming pool; community group centre; indoor track; basketball; volleyball or badminton; tennis; gymnasium; parking for 50; showers; 5 meeting rooms; judo; weight lifting.  

Title: Park and Recreation Facilities List
Date: 1973
Creators: Parks and Recreation Department
Series: 363, Thunder Bay Parks Technicians' Files
Location: TBA 7793-51


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