A typed document on white paper detailing the history of the Carousel

A typed document on white paper with black ink

A typed document on white paper with black ink

Title: Chippewa Park Amusement Rides: Past, Present, and Future [Excerpt]
Date: December 1982
Creators: Parks and Recreation Department
Description: The content of this report is summarized perfectly in its title. The history of Chippewa Park's amusement rides from 1926 to 1982 is summarized in this document, which focuses on their impact on the community. 
Series: 151, Thunder Bay Central Files
Location: TBA 5535-27

A coloured pamhplet which shows a carousel horse on the coverA pamhplet printed with text and photogrpahs

Title: Chippewa Park Carousel
Date: ca. December 1996
Creators: Parks Division, City of Thunder Bay and the Thunder Bay Art Gallery
Description: This brochure details the history of the Chippewa Park's second carousel. The first Carousel was purchased by the Public Utilities Commission in 1926, but needed to be replaced due to extensive use. The carousel featured in this pamphlet was built between 1917 and 1921, and purchased in 1934.
Series: 117, Thunder Bay City Clerk's Files
Location: TBA 8155-40

A handwritten document on lined paper made for receipts

Title: Chippewa Park Carousel Invoice
Date: June 21, 1934
Creators: Parks Board, City of Fort William 
Description: This invoice shows $601.83 being transferred to Mrs. Maude King for the purchase of the Chippewa Park's second carousel. It replaced the Park's first carousel which was purchased in 1926.
Series: 117, Thunder Bay City Clerk's Files
Location: TBA 4799-27

A metal plaque is pictured mounted on a stone outside in winter

Title: Chippewa Park Carousel Plaque
Date: November 2005 
Creators: Cultural Services and Events
Description: This plaque commemorates Chippewa Park's second carousel which was built between 1918 and 1920. The carousel was an iconic feature at Chippewa Park for many decades.
Series: 117, Thunder Bay City Clerk's Files
Location: Cultural Services and Events - Monuments and Plaques file

A typed letter on brown paper with lack ink

Title: Official Opening of the Lakehead Express
Date: June 2, 1960
Creators: A. Widnall
Description: The miniature train, the Lakehead Express, had its maiden voyage June 4, 1960. 
Series: 117, Thunder Bay City Clerk's Files
Location: TBA 4799-27

A typed document on lined paper

A typed document on lined paper

Title: Agreement with Fritz Altmann
Date: January 1965
Creators: Fort William Board of Parks Management and Fritz Altmann
Description: Due to the success of the miniature train ride that began operating in 1960, the City commissioned more rides to be installed at Chippewa Park. This contract formalized terms with Fritz Altmann who agreed to operate the miniature train ride and construct a Ferris Wheel, Boat Swings, and a Music Organ.
Series: 117, Thunder Bay City Clerk's Files
Location: TBA 4799-27

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