Mayor Albert Hinton sitting wearing a suit and tieAlbert James Hinton moved to Canada from England with his parents when he was three years old. After completing his education, Hinton worked at the Thunder Bay Mill as a mechanic and millwright for nearly 38 years.

Hinton was a member of Port Arthur’s City Council from 1947 until 1958. When Frederick Oliver Robinson resigned as Mayor on Aug. 31, 1955, Council voted to elect Hinton as his replacement. He served as Mayor from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, 1955. Although Hinton was only Mayor for a short period of time, in his many years as Councillor he had established a strong working relationship between the city and its employees.

While he was Mayor, Hinton continued to work at the Thunder Bay Mill. One day, he experienced a serious accident when an explosion occurred, resulting in first and second degree burns to his face and neck. Despite these injuries, he was able to fulfill his role as Mayor though to the end of the year.

Born: 1908 In Southampton, England

Died: April 3, 1963 at the age of 55 in Port Arthur, Ontario

Councillor: 1947-1958

Councillor Candidate: 1959

Mayor: 1955 (September - December)


Previous Mayor: Mayor Frederick Oliver Robinson

Next Mayor: Mayor Eunice Marian Wishart


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