A letter dated October 22nd, 1910, that was submitted to Port Arthur Council on October 28th, 1910. This letter suggests a possible new name for an amalgamated city of Port Arthur and Fort William.

A typed and written document on crumpled paper with official letterhead

The text reads:

Manufacturers of
Winter Sawn
Soft Yellow Spruce Lumber

To the Mayor,
Port Arthur,

Dear Sir,

Now that the subject of the union of the twin cities of the lakes is once more prominent I feel almost in duty bound to submit a name for the greater city which was suggested in competition to the Toronto World by a young lady at present in New York.

The name seems so appropriate and smart that I believe it should be given to the press for the consideration of the people who will decide the matter.

The name is PORTFORT with the accent on the first syllable.

And let it always be remembered that the whole west is deeply interested in all that pertains to the welfare of the coming city which is the key to so large a part of the Western situation.

Yours truly,


TBA 2401



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