As the day went on, officials were able to make better predictions of how the storm would proceed. Plans for snow clearing were announced, and businesses and industries were encouraged to close early.

A typed bulletin detailing the impacts of the 1977 snowstorm


News Bulletin

This is John MacDonald reporting from the E.M.O. Headquarters.

The latest indication from the Weather Office is that the storm front has moved beyond the city but [the] snow and blowing snow will continue until [approx.] 10:00 o’clock this evening.

The Public Works crews will be working continuously through to 7:00 p.m. this evening, at which time the operators will be taken off for a rest.

Plowing will commence again at 2:00 a.m. and continue throughout the night.

Motorists are requested to refrain from driving unless it is absolutely necessary, [and obey the 2:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. parking restrictions] to plow the main arteries.

City Hall will be closing at 1:00 p.m. to-day and other commercial and industrial firms are requested to consider allowing their employees to go home at this time in order to alleviate traffic congestion at the normal rush hour.

This is John MacDonald at the EMO Headquarters.


CFPA. OK 2:53p.m. – taped CKPR. OK [].00 p.m. taped CBQ. OK []5 p.m. – Written Chronicle Journal – [].[]5 – Written to Ian Pattison

















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