Fire Open Air Burning Permits are for burning of brush in Zone A. Recreational Burn Permits are for fire pits in back yards. If you want to burn brush, please proceed with application process below.
Thunder Bay Fire Rescue reminds citizens that any outdoor burning within the City of Thunder Bay requires a permit. Permit rules and regulations are strictly enforced and failure to obtain a permit or follow the permit rules will result in prosecution and fine.
Open air burning of brush piles is NOT PERMITTED in the City of Thunder Bay without a permit. Open Burning is only allowed in Zone A with an inspection.
Permits for burning of brush will be issued and valid for January 1 to May 31 (inclusive) and October 1 to December 31.
Apply Online to purchase a new burn permit on/after December 1st and it will expire December 31st of the next year.
Please have your Visa or MasterCard ready. This site does not take Visa or Mastercard Debit. A non-refundable fee of $40.00 CDN for a one year permit is required.
Fire Stations are open to the public in limited capacity due to Covid-19, so residents are still encouraged to renew and/or apply online. New permit applications require an inspection by Thunder Bay Fire Rescue personnel, and those inspections will be completed as soon as possible.
Apply for a Burning Permit Online
Any personal information we collect is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001. Personal information is collected in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The personal information collected is for the purpose of issuing Burning Permits. None of your personal information will be shared, rented, sold or otherwise released to any third party without your consent.
Apply in person
For all new permits download the Fire-Open Burn Permit Application form and bring the completed application to your local Fire Station.
Apply in person between 8 am and 8 pm daily. Purchase of a new burn permit on/after December 1st and will expire December 31st of the next year.
Open Burning of brush piles is NOT PERMITTED in the City of Thunder Bay without a permit. Open Burning is only allowed in Zone A with an inspection. View the Fire Permit Zone Map for Burning Permits.
On-site open burning fire guidelines
- Open burning will only be permitted no sooner than two hours before sunset and the fire must be extinguished no later than two hours after sunrise.
- Brush to be burned, must be in piles, maximum 6 feet (2 metres) high, 6 feet (2 metres) in diameter and 20 feet (7 seven metres) between the piles.
- Adjoining lot clearance restrictions for Open Burning will be established at 10 meters (33 feet) from any combustible materials or structure.
- Clean brush and other vegetation only may be burned, NO trash, such as garbage, tires, plastics, roofing or other building materials.
- No less than two persons will be present at all times during burning operations, with adequate firefighting equipment.
Conditions to burn
- Open Burning Permits will be issued and are valid for Jan.1 to May 31 (inclusive) and Oct.1 to December 31.
- No unapproved burning will take place as per the Ontario Fire Code. Burning will only be permitted after a permit is acquired.
- A $40.00 fee will be collected for a New Fire Permit which includes the inspection fee.
- Burning will be allowed only if approved and the site has been inspected by an Officer of the Thunder Bay Fire Rescue prior to issue of permit.
- Approved burning site shall not be altered without approval and inspection by the Fire Service.
- Permits are issued on an annual basis.
- No burning in wind greater than 16 km/hr or gusting conditions.
- Permits are non-transferable.
- Permits may be cancelled due to changes in ground or atmospheric conditions or non-conformity of the regulations.
- Permit cancellation may occur as a result of a legitimate smoke nuisance complaint or unsafe conditions.
- Permit cancellation may occur as a result of the Ministry of Natural Resources direction as to hazardous fire conditions or a fire ban has been issued by the Chief Fire Official.
Burning without a permit or failure to comply with the above may result in a fine of up to $25,000.
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