The City of Thunder Bay has released the 2020 Drinking Water Quality Annual Report that details water quality results from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2020, in accordance with Ontario Drinking Water System Regulation (O. Reg. 170/03) under the Safe Drinking Water Act 2002.

“This Report confirms the continued delivery of high-quality, safe drinking water,” said Michelle Warywoda, Director of the Environment Division. “The City monitors drinking water quality 24-hours a day, seven days a week.”

The report contains information on how water is treated, how it is delivered, and how to protect the drinking water at residents’ taps. Residents should never add chemicals directly or indirectly to their drinking water plumbing system, as doing so could cause harm to their plumbing and could potentially contaminate the public drinking water system.

“Introducing any chemical into the City’s water distribution system is an offence, and carries charges under the Safe Drinking Water Act from the Ministry of the Environment, Parks and Conservation and under the City’s Waterworks By-law,” said Warywoda. “Indirect cross-connections such as a hose with one end immersed in a swimming pool, laundry sink, fish tank, bucket, etc. can result in contaminated water being pulled back into the drinking water system. Wherever possible, we recommend installing backflow prevention devices on outside water taps, boilers and sprinkler systems to protect the quality of the public drinking water supply and the quality of the water in your home.”

The City will also resume offering tours of the Bare Point Water Treatment Plant once the pandemic is over so that residents and visitors can discover firsthand the processes, equipment, and people committed to delivering safe water from Lake Superior.

The City is committed to maintaining a safe and sustainable supply of water, providing for public health protection, fire protection and support for the local economy – all contributing to Thunder Bay’s high quality of life.

To view the 2020 Drinking Water Quality Report, visit our Drinking Water page.

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Contact: Michelle Warywoda, Director – Environment Division, 684-2433