Victim support agencies, community safety organizations, victims, survivors, and their families and friends came together to show support for victims during the 6th Annual Walk in Support of Victims and Survivors of Crime yesterday evening. The walk was held in support of National Victims and Survivors of Crime Week (May 26 - June 1), which aims to raise awareness about the issues facing victims and survivors of crime and the services and laws in place to help victims, survivors and their families. It is also about acknowledging the dedicated work of service providers who assist victims and survivors of crime and their families. The theme for the Week is "The Power of Collaboration.

“Being a victim of a crime can be a very difficult and stressful experience. While most people feel that they are resilient and find ways to cope and adjust on their own, there can be a wide range of effects to a traumatic experience,” said Deborah Dika, Executive Director, Sexual Abuse Centre Thunder Bay.  “We want to let victims know they are not alone; they have support and people in the community they can turn to.” 

“As a community, we need to come together to demonstrate our support for victims and survivors, and all those impacted by crime in Thunder Bay,” said Lee-Ann Chevrette, Coordinator, Thunder Bay Crime Prevention Council.  “Together we can empower victims to stand up for their right to live in safety, remove barriers to reporting, access appropriate support services, and seek justice in the justice system, should they decide to go this route.” 

The walk began at 6pm at City Hall and ended at the International Friendship Gardens. The event was coordinated and supported by the Crime Prevention Council, Sexual Abuse Centre Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Police Service, Evergreen a United Neighbourhood, Thunder Bay & Area Victim Services, Thunder Bay Counselling and Thunder Bay District Crime Stoppers.

For more information about Victims and Survivors of Crime Week visit: 


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Contact: Deb Dika, Executive Director – Sexual Abuse Centre Thunder Bay at 345-0894 or