JANUARY 25, 2023

WHEREAS, January 25, 2023 marks the thirteenth annual Bell Let’s Talk Day, a day to take action, and create positive change for mental health; and

WHEREAS, Thunder Bay supports positive mental health for all citizens and members of our community and seeks to improve the lives of all citizens who will experience a mental illness or mental health issue in their lifetime; and

WHEREAS, Thunder Bay recognizes that now is the time to come together, to take action and show support for mental health in meaningful and impactful ways to help ensure all Canadians can access the mental health and addiction supports they need to flourish; and

WHEREAS, Thunder Bay raises a flag to celebrate Bell Let’s Talk Day and encourage all citizens of Thunder Bay to join the conversation and to keep listening, keep talking and keep being there.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Ken Boshcoff, do hereby proclaim Wednesday, January 25, 2023, as “Bell Let’s Talk Day” in the City of Thunder Bay and encourage support of this campaign.