On Thursday, Nov. 8, Conquer the Tower returned to the Canada Games Complex. Twelve brave participants worked hard to raise funds in support of PRO Kids and the Thunder Bay Diving Club. The more money they raised, the higher they had to jump off the diving towers.

“We are so proud of our participants,” said Laura Daniele, PRO Kids Coordinator. “Taking the plunge off one of the towers is no small feat, and they are facing their fears in order to raise money to help others.”

Participants were nominated by a co-worker or friend to jump from one of the Canada Games Complex platforms based on their level of funds raised. In order to jump from the top 10m tower, $1,000 in pledges had to be raised.

Through participant pledges and generous sponsorships, Conquer the Tower was able to raise $20,680, bringing the event’s running total to $154, 641.

Levaero Aviation continues to be Conquer the Tower’s presenting sponsor for the third year. “PRO Kids and the Thunder Bay Diving Club provide a treasured service to youth and families in our community,” said Robert Arnone, CEO and President of Levaero Aviation, and a strong supporter of PRO Kids. “Our youth represent our future. Activities build character and develop analytical and strategic thinking skills. We owe it to our children and ourselves to ensure they are afforded every opportunity to grow and succeed.”

PRO Kids and the Thunder Bay Diving Club are thrilled with Conquer the Tower’s continued success over the years. Both organizations would like to thank all of the sponsors, participants, donors and volunteers who made this year’s event another one for the books.

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Contact:       Ally Drombolis, PRO Kids Marketing & Fundraising Assistant, 625-2340

Jumping off the Canada Games Tower 5Jumping off the Canada Games Tower 4Jumping off the Canada Games Complex TowerJumping off the Canada Games Tower 3