August 18, 2017 - The ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open the western end of the 1,000 km Lake Superior Water Trail is taking place on Saturday, Aug. 19, at 4 pm at Lorne Allard Fisherman's Park. The Lake Superior Water Trail runs between Thunder Bay and Whitefish Bay along the North Shore and is an important link in the 24,000 km Trans Canada Trail now known as the Great Trail.
Lorne Allard Fisherman's Park is the most westerly access point on the Lake Superior Water Trail. Additional access points can be found in each of the communities along the shore of Lake Superior.
The Lake Superior Watershed Conservancy has been overseeing and implementing the trail in partnership with Trans Canada Trail Ontario, the City of Thunder Bay and the Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior.
"The Water Trail connects to the Trans Canada land based trails, to all the coastal communities and to the important cultural, historical and ecological landmarks along the Coast," said Joanie McGuffin, Lake Superior Water Trail Coordinator. "The Trail supports the economic, environmental, social, and cultural health and well-being of the people of Lake Superior."
"Lorne Allard Fisherman's Park is the perfect location for the western terminus of the Lake Superior Water Trail because of its direct connection to the City's Multi-use trail network and Current River Greenway connected parks system," said Werner Schwar, the City of Thunder Bay Supervisor - Parks & Open Space Planning. "Water trail users can easily access other land and water based recreational activities that happen in Boulevard Lake and Centennial/Trowbridge Falls Parks before, after or during their water trail experience."
Thanks to support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, TD Canada Trust, Tourism Northern Ontario, Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation and community partners, $1.2 million was invested into the Water Trail Access Points. Similar infrastructure has been installed at each access site and includes such items as: high quality ClivusMultrum composting toilets, universal access docks, picnic tables, additional hiking trails, bear-proof garbage and recycling bins, and water trail kiosks.
Residents are encouraged to attend the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony taking place at Lorne Allard Fisherman's Park, 24 Shipyard Yard Road. Following the ribbon cutting event, a Voyageur Canoe paddle along the Thunder Bay Waterfront will take place, weather dependent. No experience is necessary and lifejackets and paddles will be provided.
For more information, visit:
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Contact: Werner Schwar, Supervisor - Parks & Open Space Planning, 625-2806
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