August 29, 2017 - Effective this September at the start of the 2017/2018 school year, changes will be implemented to the school crossing guard schedules, including the removal of lunch time services for many schools.
Since schools have two nutrition breaks instead of the single traditional lunch hour, crossing guards are no longer needed at that time. The crossing guards will now have extended time in the morning and evening, which allows more coverage for students and parents crossing earlier and later in day.
All schools were informed of the changes in service schedules.
Crossings that will continue lunch services at the following locations:
North Side
"¢ Junot Avenue and Windsor Street - St.Pius X and Algonquin School
"¢ River Street and Madeline Street - St.Bernard School
"¢ Huron Avenue at Vance Chapman School
"¢ Huron Avenue and Shuniah Street - Vance Chapman School
"¢ Leslie Avenue and Arundel Street - Claude Garton School
South Side
"¢ Redwood Avenue and University Drive - St.Vincent School
"¢ Brown Street and Begin Street - Westmount School
"¢ Edward Street and Ridgeway Street - Westmount School
"¢ Vickers and Cumming Street - McKellar Park School
"¢ Walsh Street and Tarbutt Street - Hyde Park and Kingsway School
"¢ Empire Avenue and Tarbutt Street - Hyde Park and Kingsway School
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Contact: Julie Wiejak, Field Supervisor - Crossing Guards, 621-5395
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