WHEREAS, there are about 4000 children living with cancer in Ontario, and each year about 400 new cases are diagnosed; and

WHEREAS, the causes of cancer in children is largely unknown; and

WHEREAS, 1 in 285 children are diagnosed with a malignant cancer before their 20th birthday; and

WHEREAS, in Canada, childhood cancer remains responsible for more deaths, from one year through adolescence , than any other disease, killing one in four children affected by this disease; and

WHEREAS, childhood cancer crosses all racial, ethnic, and social boundaries; and

WHEREAS, an estimated one third of a family’s after tax income is spent on treatment related expenses due to lack of available treatment options for the inhabitants of Northern Ontario; and

WHEREAS, dedicated organizations such as Northern Ontario Families of Children with Cancer and volunteers are working diligently to raise funds in order to improve the lives of Northern Ontario families during and after their journey through childhood cancer by providing essential programs and financial services, and by letting the families know they are not alone in their battle.

WHEREAS, the City of Thunder Bay recognizes the devastating effects of childhood cancer on the residents of this City; and

WHEREAS, this month in Thunder Bay, we pay tribute to the healthcare professionals, researchers, private philanthropies and parent advocacy groups who collaborate to provide hope and help to patients and families affected by pediatric cancer while making vital contributions to the ongoing search for a cure.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Keith Hobbs, Mayor of the City of Thunder Bay, do hereby proclaim September 2018 as “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month" in the City of Thunder Bay and encourage residents to show their support of this cause by increasing awareness, speaking up about childhood cancer, wearing the color gold and reaffirming our commitment to fighting childhood cancer.