The City of Thunder Bay has activated two more pedestrian crossovers - located at Shuniah Street and Huron Avenue, and at Edward Street and Isabella Street - bringing the total number of pedestrian crossovers in Thunder Bay to 17.

Pedestrian crossovers make it easy, safe and convenient for people to cross the street. Drivers and cyclists at pedestrian crossover locations must stop when a pedestrian is waiting to cross and the crossover lights start flashing. Drivers and cyclists must not enter the crossover until the pedestrian has completed crossing to the other side.

“Pedestrian crossovers are a key tool in helping to make Thunder Bay a more walkable City by providing safe crossing points outside traditional controlled intersections,” said Darrik Smith, the City’s Mobility Coordinator. “It’s important that everyone knows how they work and is familiar with where they are.” 

To learn more about the City’s Pedestrian Crossovers, visit

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Contact:          Darrik Smith, Mobility Coordinator, 625-2163 or