June 1, 2017 - The City of Thunder Bay is launching the development a new Active Transportation Plan on June 3, at the Bike Summit. This Plan is a major component of the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) which commenced in Fall 2016, and is being led by the City's Engineering & Operations Division and the TMP consultant, IBI Group.

The new Active Transportation Plan will focus on cycling, walking and other non-motorized transportation options. Improving options for walking and cycling is an important element of the overall vision for the TMP which is to achieve an integrated and seamless transportation system that offers inclusive mobility for all. The Active Transportation Plan will feature updated routes, facility types, and recommendations for new policies and funding approaches that reflect best practices in active transportation planning and design. 

"The current Active Transportation Plan was developed in 2007-2008, when most cities didn't even have painted bike lanes," said Adam Krupper, Mobility Coordinator. "Active transportation needs have changed considerably since the inception of the original Plan and the range of facilities that can be built has really broadened."

The current Active Transportation Plan, approved by City Council in 2008, identifies over 120 kms of designated walking and cycling routes. The Plan presents broad goals for safety, partnerships, policy, and infrastructure.

"The current Plan was Thunder Bay's first effort in active transportation and has served the community well over the past nine years," said Brian Hollingworth - Project Director, IBI Group. "The new Plan will have specific recommendations that reflect residents' feedback about what the future of active transportation in Thunder Bay should look like."

In order to hear citizen feedback, the City is hosting several in-person consultation sessions over the next week in conjunction with the TMP. There will be sessions held at the Bike Summit on June 3, the Kite Festival on June 4, and at a drop-in Public Open House on June 6, from 4 - 7 pm, at the Victoria Inn.

For more information, visit: www.thunderbaytmp.ca 

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Contact: Adam Krupper - Mobility Coordinator, Engineering & Operations, 625-2163
              Brian Hollingworth - Project Director, IBI Group, (416) 596-1930 Ext. 61270