Thunder Bay’s City Council recently passed new by-laws to regulate fireworks discharge and sale, and to address the problem of abandoned shopping carts.
The new fireworks regulations, under new Fireworks By-law 86-2021, come into effect immediately. Key points under the new fireworks by-law:
- Fireworks may be discharged on the evening of and the evening before the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Canada Day, August Civic Holiday
- Fireworks may be discharged on the entire day of the Lunar New Year, but not the evening before
- In addition to Canada Day and the evening before Canada Day: if Canada Day falls on a Monday or Tuesday fireworks may be discharged on the evening of the Saturday prior to Canada Day; if Canada Day falls on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, fireworks may be discharged on the Saturday after Canada Day
- Fireworks may not be discharged at any other time without a specific permit
- Fireworks may only be offered for sale on New Year’s Day, Canada Day and August Civic Holiday, and the seven business days prior to these holidays
- Property owners/tenants as well as those discharging fireworks are responsible for the discharge of fireworks on any specific property
- A new system of fines is in place for multiple or repeated offences
- Property owners/tenants can be billed for the full cost of emergency responses in the case of nuisance events
The new Shopping Cart By-law 85-2021 comes into effect in May 2022. Key points under the new shopping cart by-law:
- It is an offence to abandon a shopping cart off the owner’s property
- By May 15, 2022, all shopping carts in use must have identification plates/stickers affixed with owner’s contact information
- By May 30, 2022,owners of shopping carts must submit to the City their plan for management, control and recovery of their carts
Details regarding the responsibilities of shopping cart owners will be made available in the near future on the City’s website.
For full and complete reference, consult copies of the official City by-laws available at the Office of the City Clerk, 625-2216.
Contact: Jody Kondrat, Supervisor – Municipal Enforcement Services, 684-2156
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