At last night’s meeting, City Council requested a separate vote on the September 14 Committee of the Whole minutes in order to ratify the decision to fund the Thunder Bay sign from the Municipal Accommodation Tax.
Councillor Albert Aiello encountered a connection issue at the time the vote was called and was receiving intermittent signal to the meeting. After further investigation, Microsoft reported significant global outage issues with all platforms including Outlook and MS Teams last evening.
While the Chair and the Deputy Clerk noted at the meeting that the motion is carried, the video demonstrates that Councillor Aiello was not in attendance nor did he vote on the matter at hand.
“The results of last night’s vote on the Thunder Bay sign are incomplete, and require a revote for proper transparency,” said City Clerk Krista Power. “An opportunity to revote on this matter will be presented at the City Council meeting on Monday, Oct. 5.”
A memo will be presented to City Council on Oct. 5 with an opportunity for Council to revote on this item in order to provide for clarity on the vote for Council, Administration and the public. This is in keeping with the legislative authority of the City Clerk as per the Municipal Act.
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Contact: Krista Power, City Clerk, 625-2238
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