The Thunder Bay 55 Plus Centre will reopen its doors to the public on Sept. 14, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Registered programs and classes are scheduled to begin the week of Sept. 21.

To help mitigate the risk of COVID-19, masks will be required to enter the building and must be worn in all public areas, but may be removed for fitness classes once in the space. No entry will be permitted prior to 10 minutes before a participant’s activity starts, and screening will be done upon entry. Other precautions include capacity limits, no use of change rooms or shower facilities, additional time between classes for cleaning and disinfecting, floor markings, and new touchless water fill stations available for participants to fill their own water bottles. 

The Centre’s River St. Café will offer take-out service only, with no seating in the café. The Library, Gift Shop, Billiard Room and Puzzle Exchange cupboard remain closed for the time being.

Registration for 55 Plus programs opened Sept. 2. Call 625-8463 to register.

For more information on programs and a monthly menu, visit: 

Resident Leaves at Pioneer Ridge
Management and staff at Pioneer Ridge are awaiting further details from the Province on resident absences from the long-term care home as there are still unanswered questions over health risks. Until new protocols are in place, there will be no changes to visitation and/or resident leaves, despite the directive from the provincial government released last week.

Indoor visitors require negative testing, yet visitors can take the resident out and about for a few hours without the same requirement. 

Aquatics, Children & Youth fall program registration opens Sept. 17
Fall program registration for the City’s aquatics and fitness programs at the Canada Games Complex and Churchill Pool, as well as the Neighbourhood Recreation Program, will now begin on Thursday, Sept. 17. This registration date has been changed from the date previously advertised in The Key recreation guide in order to finalize program reopening plans in this COVID-19 environment.

Registration for the indicated programs can be made by calling 625-8463 beginning Friday, Sept. 17, 8:30 am-4:30 pm (registration hotline is open Monday – Friday).

Program payment can be made over the phone by credit card, or in-person through scheduled appointment as needed. For a listing of available programs, view the Fall Key at:

Drop-in programming is now open for Youth Move programming at the Kinsmen Youth Centre. Visit: or follow Youth Move on social media for updated program information.

Facility reopening dates and further program details will be communicated publicly in the coming weeks. A number of new measures will be put in place at these facilities to create a safe environment for participants and staff. The facilities are currently undergoing the necessary physical changes required to follow public health recommendations such as installations of barriers, posted signage, and markings for physical distancing. Changes will also include capacity limits, mandatory masks, and limited access to the facilities such as no saunas or hot tubs at the aquatics venues. More information will be communicated as it becomes available.

For the most up-to-date list of service changes, and additional city service information lines, visit: For public health information, visit:

  • - the Ontario Ministry of Health reports on the status of cases in Ontario each morning at 10:30 am.
  • www.TBDHU.COM/coronavirus - the Health Unit’s website contains links to credible sources of information for both the public and local health care providers.

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Contact:       Leah Prentice, Director – Recreation & Culture, 625-2416,