The Canada Games Complex plans to reopen its doors to the public on Wednesday, Sept. 23, pending a successful public health inspection. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, key changes to the facility will include:
- Pre-screening prior to entering facility – Online form available at (paper copies available at entrance of facility)
- Pre-booking use of pool, squash and fitness classes – Call 684-3311 as of Sept. 21
- Limited number of users per room
Facility users are asked to do their part to help keep everyone safe while using the facility in the following ways:
- Stay home if you are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms or feeling unwell
- Use hand sanitizer provided at the entrance of the facility and multiple locations throughout
- Wipe down exercise equipment before and after use with wipes provided
- Wear masks/face coverings in common areas (hallways, washrooms, change rooms, lobby, as a spectator, etc.) except where not required (while actively engaging in physical activity or swimming)
- Keep two metres apart from others for physical distancing
Program registration for swim lessons, children and youth programs and other activities will open September 17. To register for programs, call 625-8463. For more information, visit:
Online Screening now Available for 55+ Centre, West Thunder Community Centre
A new COVID-19 pre-screening tool is now available online for every person entering the Thunder Bay 55 Plus Centre or West Arthur Community Centre. New guidelines will be in place as follows:
- No entry to the building more than 10 minutes before a class or activity starts.
- There will be a staff person (or volunteer) at the front door (Side door will be locked and used as exit only). They will be asked the screening questions prior to entering and requested to use the hand sanitizer.
- Attendees will be asked to go directly to the room of their activity or to the Café for take-out orders.
- Capacity limits are still in place under the COVID guidelines/legislation and are posted outside all rooms. Hand sanitizer will be located throughout the centre for participants to have easy access to use it.
Learn more about the screening tool at:
For the most up-to-date list of service changes, and additional city service information lines, visit: For public health information, visit:
- - the Ontario Ministry of Health reports on the status of cases in Ontario each morning at 10:30 am.
- www.TBDHU.COM/coronavirus - the Health Unit’s website contains links to credible sources of information for both the public and local health care providers.
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Contact: Stacey Levanen, Supervisor – Corporate Communications, 625-3650
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