The Ontario government announced Friday that golf courses and marinas may prepare for the upcoming season under strict safety guidelines, but not open to the public until the Province lifts restrictions on public access.
The City will consider its operational procedures, continue ongoing maintenance, and await further notice from the Province, following which a determination would be made regarding openings.
City programs in the Summer Key subject to change
The Summer Key, Thunder Bay’s guide to recreation and education programs, is being delivered to homes this weekend.
City staff are asking residents to keep in mind that due to the production time associated with this publication, some of the program and facility information in The Key may have changed because of COVID-19. The digital version of the Key will be posted to the City’s website on Monday, May 4, with updated information where available.
Registration for summer Recreation & Culture programs listed in The Key, originally scheduled for May 4, is postponed until further notice. The Recreation & Culture Division continues to monitor Provincial orders and the Ontario Framework for Reopening to be prepared to welcome participants back to our programs and facilities when it is safe to do so.
The Key is distributed to homes four times a year, and is a collaborative effort between the Joint Advertising Committee – comprised of representatives from Lakehead Public Schools, Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board, Conseil Scolaire de District Catholique des Aurores Boréales, Confederation College, Lakehead University and the City of Thunder Bay.
For more information included, visit:
Algoma Child Care Centre Offering Emergency Child Care
The City of Thunder Bay has re-opened Algoma Child Care Centre to provide emergency child care service for essential frontline workers. All other licensed child care services in the community have been closed since mid-March as per the Provincial Ministerial Order.
The Centre was volunteered as a site for the emergency care, and child care services are being provided at no cost to eligible families from Monday to Friday.
“We recognize that this is a challenging time and thank all of the staff who continue to put our families, children and community first,” said Jenna Rogozinski, Program Supervisor at Algoma Child Care Centre. “Together as a community, we can all do our part in helping keep everyone safe and healthy.”
The TBDSSAB and Thunder Bay District Health Unit have provided protocols for emergency child care operations, which include lower than typical numbers of children on site to encourage physical distancing and additional screening, cleaning and disinfection measures.
The intake process for Emergency Child Care spaces is administered by TBDSSAB through their website, and registration is not available through the child care centre at this time.
For more information, visit:
Decisions on programs and services are being made on a daily basis. For the most up-to-date list of service changes, and additional city service information lines, visit:
For public health information, visit:
- - the Ontario Ministry of Health reports on the status of cases in Ontario each morning at 10:30 am.
- www.TBDHU.COM/coronavirus - the Health Unit’s website contains links to credible sources of information for both the public and local health care providers.
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Contact: Stacey Levanen, Supervisor – Corporate Communications, 625-3650
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