April 12, 2016 - Leaf & Yard Waste Curbside Collection dates for spring 2016 have been pushed forward several weeks due to continuing cold weather and recent snowfalls.

Leaf and yard waste collection, previously scheduled for early May, will now take place between May 17 and May 27, on the regular recycling day indicated in residents' 2016 Garbage & Recycling Collection Schedules.

Homeowners are reminded that residential leaf and yard waste must be stored in Kraft paper bags only for curbside pickup. Plastic bags are not accepted. Kraft bags are available at most hardware and grocery stores.

Leaf and yard waste materials are taken to the City of Thunder Bay Solid Waste & Recycling Facility and made into soil-enriching compost.

For more information, visit: thunderbay.ca/leafandyard

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Contact: Jason Sherband, Manager - Solid Waste & Recycling Services, 625-3851