Asphalt pavement resurfacing of Dawson Road between Strand Avenue and Fassina Street, which will result in limited access to the County Fair Mall and area businesses, has been delayed by one day and will begin on Thursday, Oct. 10.

The intersection of Strand Avenue and East Avenue will be closed at times during the day to accommodate the construction work. One point of access at Strand Avenue or East Avenue will remain open throughout the construction.

Traffic travelling East and West bound on Dawson Road will continue to use the South side of the street, one lane in each direction.

Construction is anticipated to last one day. The construction schedule is subject to change as various factors, such as weather, can have an impact on project timelines.

Where possible motorists are advised to avoid the area. Those travelling in the area are asked to use extra caution and obey all posted signage.

The final layer of paving is expected to begin the week following and will result in more lane closures. Further communication on this construction will be released prior to the work commencing. 

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Contact:       Matt Miedema – Project Engineer, 625-3050