As the City of Thunder Bay makes changes to the drinking water, lead levels at the tap for customers with lead service pipes are expected to rise. Customers with lead service pipes will be provided a free water pitcher with filters that are certified to remove lead. 

“Water filter kits have now arrived and will be assembled and delivered to customers with lead service pipes over the coming weeks,” said Michelle Warywoda, Director – Environment Division. “These water filters are certified to reduce lead in tap water and should be used for drinking, cooking, and preparing baby formula. It is important to use these filters as lead in drinking water can pose health risks, especially for infants, children under the age of six, and pregnant women.” 

The City maintains a list of customers with lead service pipes and will be contacting these customers directly. Delivery of the water pitchers and filters will start this week and continue through the month. Each kit is comprised of one 11 cup Ultimate Pitcher Filtration System and six replacement filters. These kits will be provided at no cost to residents with lead service pipes. Users need to follow the manufacturer’s owner’s manual that provides instructions on how to use the pitcher and filters. 

All customers should routinely flush their pipes prior to consumption to maintain water quality at the tap. This can be accomplished by taking a shower, flushing the toilet, doing a load of laundry, or running your cold water tap to clear the pipes.  

The City is working closely with the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) and the Thunder Bay District Health Unit on this drinking water change. 

Maintaining a safe and sustainable water supply is a top priority for the City’s Water Authority. Free water quality testing is available to any resident concerned about lead levels. 

To learn more, contact the City’s Infrastructure & Operations Dispatch at 625-2195, or visit

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Contact: Michelle Warywoda, Director – Environment Division, 684-2433