July 27, 2016 - The Thunder Bay Drug Strategy released the fifth annual Community Report Travelling the Road to Change at City Council Monday evening.

The report outlines the significant progress that has been made in many Drug Strategy initiatives.
"I'm very proud of the work the community has done, and of the continued collaboration and collective effort of many groups and organizations across Thunder Bay," said Cynthia Olsen, Drug Strategy Coordinator.

"This report focusses on the real progress the Implementation Panel, the Working Groups and our community allies have achieved over the last year."

Using a collective impact framework called results-based accountability, the Drug Strategy identified eight key results to improve local capacity to prevent/reduce substance use, support people to recover from substance addictions, and create an environment that increases the health and safety of all citizens.

Each result has evidence-based actions that can contribute to achieving the key results. Some key results from this year's report include:

  • Supervised Injection Services (SIS) - Assessing feasibility of SIS in the city to explore whether people who inject drugs will use services, and any concerns they might have.
  • YOUth Speak event - Over 30 youth participants met  in May to discuss harm reduction and the creation of safer spaces to support youth impacted by substance use and mental health.
  • Rockin' Recovery - As part of the 2nd Annual Recovery Day, an event known as Rockin' Recovery was held at Marina Park in September 2015.

For more information, and to view the complete report, visit: www.thunderbaydrugstrategy.ca

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Contact: Cynthia Olsen, Thunder Bay Drug Strategy Coordinator, 625-2942