Throughout the month of May, EarthCare Thunder Bay invites citizens to get involved and learn more about plans to see Thunder Bay become a climate-forward city through a net-zero strategy. Following a presentation of the draft, Climate-Forward City: Thunder Bay Net-Zero Strategy, to City Council this week, citizens are invited to join a Virtual Launch Event, Open House, and community survey online on the Get Involved Thunderbay website.
“The development of this Strategy is just the beginning of a 30-year journey that will see Thunder Bay transform to a climate-forward City of the future,” said Summer Stevenson, EarthCare Sustainability Coordinator (Acting). “We encourage residents to participate and learn more as we respond to the climate emergency and set Thunder Bay on a path to achieve community-wide net-zero emissions by 2050.”
With the creation of the draft Thunder Bay Net-Zero Strategy document, EarthCare Thunder Bay continues the planning process for the creation of a community energy and emissions plan - a comprehensive, long-term plan to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), foster green energy solutions, and support economic development.
Residents are encouraged to register for the Net-Zero Strategy Virtual Launch Event on May 18 from 6:30 – 8:00pm. This dynamic virtual launch will feature guest speakers, local voices, and a facilitated Q&A. To learn more and register, visit the Get Involved Thunderbay website.
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Contact: Summer Stevenson, EarthCare Sustainability Coordinator (Acting) –
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