NOVEMBER 26, 2023
WHEREAS, domestic economic abuse is a common but overlooked form of domestic violence that limits an individual’s financial autonomy, including denying access and control over resources or restraining economic freedom; and
WHEREAS, barriers to economic resources undermine a survivor’s independence, including the ability to flee abuse relationships. Economic Abuse has detrimental effects on a survivor’s mental and physical well-being and other social determinants of health; and
WHEREAS, whereas economic abuse happens across socio-economic status, race, and age and is exacerbated b intersectional and systemic factors; and
WHEREAS, economic abuse survivors have the right to be free from violence and must feel empowered to regain control over their lives; and
WHEREAS, all levels of government must work to prevent Economic Abuse; and
WHEREAS, the City of Thunder Bay commits to supporting victim-survivors of Economic Abuse and encourages everyone to inform themselves about the signs and impacts of economic abuse.
NOW THEREFORE, I, Ken Boshcoff, Mayor of the City of Thunder Bay, do hereby proclaim November 26, 2023 as “Economic Abuse Awareness Day’ in the City of Thunder Bay.
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