May 13, 2016 - Dr. Irvin Waller, Criminologist at Ottawa University and author of several bestselling books on evidence-based crime prevention, delivered a special Community Leader's Learning Event on crime prevention and community safety in Thunder Bay today.

Over 90 people attended the event, hosted by the Thunder Bay Crime Prevention Council, called Municipal Crime Prevention: Proven Practices and Experiences that Make Cities Safer, at the Victoria Inn today.  

"Violence is preventable; the challenge is investment in action," said Dr. Waller. "An abundance of evidence already exists, which clearly demonstrates that early investment in proven crime prevention and public safety strategies is the most efficient and cost effective way to reduce crime. All orders of government need to make the shift to smarter crime control."

Dr. Waller shared his experiences working with the governments of more than 50 countries around the world on prevention and victimization. His recent trilogy of books provides policy makers with effective actions, based on the accumulated evidence and international best practices, to stop violent crime and assist victims.

"The City of Thunder Bay has been very progressive in terms of its approach to municipal crime prevention since the creation of the Crime Prevention Council in 2010," said Jeff Upton, Chair of the Crime Prevention Council. "Events like this are vital to help demonstrate the effectiveness of evidence-based approaches to crime prevention and the importance in investing in services for vulnerable populations."

Thunder Bay's Crime Prevention Council Coordinator Lee-Ann Chevrette has worked closely with Dr. Waller as one of the 16 municipalities on the Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention, which he was instrumental in founding. 

"Community safety is a shared responsibility-no one organization, group or level of government can do this work alone," said Lee-Ann Chevrette - Coordinator, Crime Prevention Council. "It requires a collaborative approach that includes the efforts and commitment of all citizens to make Thunder Bay safer, and more inclusive for everyone."

As early as next year, municipalities will be mandated by the Province to develop a Community Safety & Well Being Plan. Thunder Bay is well ahead of the curve in this area as its Crime Prevention Council and plan was launched in 2010.

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Contact: Lee-Ann Chevrette - Coordinator, Crime Prevention Council, 625-2554