This Fall, there will be a second Leaf & Yard waste curbside collection. The first collection took place between Oct. 1 and 11.

“The two collections give us an opportunity to increase the amount of leaf and yard waste collected and diverted from the landfill,” said Jason Sherband, Manager of Solid Waste & Recycling Services. “If we see the tonnage go up, we’ll know that the extra collection is a valuable service for residents. We’re certainly hearing a lot of positive comments.”

The second curbside collection will take place between Oct. 29 and Nov. 8 – four weeks after the first collection.

Only kraft paper bags will be accepted for leaf and yard waste; each filled bag must weigh less than 18 kg (40 lbs.). Bundled branches and brush are also collected; bundles must measure less than one metre (39 inches) long and 61 cm (24 inches) around, tied with string or rope. Grass clippings are not accepted.

There is no limit on the number of bags and bundles for leaf and yard waste collection. Residents should place the waste at the curb before 7 am on their regular recycling day, as indicated on their waste collection calendars.

Collected leaf and yard waste is used to make soil-enriching compost at the Solid Waste and Recycling Facility on Mapleward Road.

For more information on leaf and yard waste collection, visit

Collection questions or issues? Contact the City’s Dispatchers at 807-625-2195.

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Contact: Jason Sherband, Manager – Solid Waste & Recycling Services, 807-625-3851