June 26, 2016 - Heavy rainfall experienced in Thunder Bay on Saturday, June 25, caused flooding in a number of locations throughout the City.

The Lakehead Region Conservation Authority reported up to 92mm of rain fell in the City on Saturday. A total of 227 calls were received through the dispatch centre and related largely to surface and basement flooding. City staff continues to respond to reports of concern.

Patrolling of ditches and roadways continued into the early morning hours.  Minor locations of erosion on roadways have been identified and will be inspected today. 

Water levels in the Intercity area are receding to normal levels. Water Street is reopened with two south-bound lanes and one north-bound lane.  Repairs to the shoulder along Water Street in the area of the Moose Hall will be completed on Monday. 

No major failures to City infrastructure were reported. The Water Pollution Control Plant managed the high flows through the Plant. Flows through the Plant continue to reduce over time.

Crews continue to respond to the flooding.

Residents should continue to contact Infrastructure & Operations Dispatch to report concerns at 625-2195.

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Contact: Valerie Marasco, Supervisor - Corporate Communications, cell 621-4151 or vmarasco@thunderbay.ca