The public comment period on the proposed Chapples multi-use indoor turf facility is extended until Monday, Aug. 3, to offer additional opportunity for input.

Residents can watch a virtual presentation by Stantec Architecture on the proposed facility and, as of Friday, July 17, also view the first Report to City Council on the proposed facility which includes specific details on the proposal such as costing. The presentation, Report, and online comment form welcoming any additional resident comments, can be found at

The virtual presentation by Stantec Architecture can also be viewed on the City’s YouTube channel, Tbaytel OnDemand under Local Content - Neighbourhood OnDemand, and on Shaw's Community Producers show airing at 7 am, 10 am, 1 pm, 3 pm, and 9:30 pm on Shaw Spotlight Channel 10 and BlueCurve Channel 105.

All public comment will be shared with City Council who will be discussing the Chapples multi-use indoor turf facility at their meeting on Aug. 10.

Proposed uses for the facility include soccer, walking, ultimate, football, baseball, drone competitions, cricket, lacrosse, large community events/cultural gatherings, and a potential emergency evacuation centre.

For more information, visit:


Contact: Kelvin Jankowski, Contract Coordinator, Asset Management Division, 684-3507,