June 26, 2017 - Effective July 1, the item limit for garbage will be reduced to two items instead of three. An item consists of either one garbage bag or the contents of one can, as long as the items do not exceed the weight limit of 18kg/40lbs. 

"A set-out limit for garbage of two or less is considered a best practice in Ontario," said Jason Sherband - Manager, Solid Waste & Recycling Services. "Reducing the item limit for garbage saves valuable natural resources, energy, time and money by encouraging residents to rethink their waste generation habits and recycle more."

One additional item of garbage can be put out if you use a garbage item tag. The third item will only be collected if a tag is attached. Garbage item tags can be purchased in groups of five for $10, and are currently available at:

  • City Hall (front desk)
  • Victoriaville Civic Centre Cashiers
  • EcoSuperior

Effective July 4, item tags will also be available at:

  • All locations of the Thunder Bay Public Library

Residents can take advantage of the unlimited curbside blue bag recycling, collected bi-weekly. Other diversion programs offered by the City of Thunder Bay include Depot Recycling, Leaf & Yard Composting Programs, the Household Hazardous Waste Depot and Electronic Waste Recycling.

Residents are also reminded to place garbage and recycling at the curb after 4 pm on the day previous to collection, or before 7 am on the day of collection to avoid being missed. It is important to make sure garbage is at the curb on time, as some routes may have changed due to realignment of waste collection routes.

For more information about the new garbage item limit, or to learn tips for reducing waste, visit: www.thunderbay.ca/garbage 

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Contact:       Jason Sherband, Manager - Solid Waste & Recycling Services