The City of Thunder Bay’s Parks & Open Spaces Section and the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority (LRCA) are hosting a public open house to discuss the proposed improvements at the Mountdale/Neste Boat Launch and surrounding park area and the results of the online public feedback survey on the proposed improvements. The open house is taking place on-site at the Mountdale Boat Launch on Wednesday, May 25, from 12 – 2 pm. 

The Mountdale Boat launch is located on Mountdale Avenue, off Montreal Street and launches into the Kaministiquia River with access to Lake Superior.

The LRCA and the Parks & Open Spaces Section have put together a Concept Plan which outlines proposed short-term improvements including increased vegetation along the riverbank and the addition of biofiltration basins to catch and filter storm run-off before it enters the Kaministiquia River. Also included in the Plan are long term improvements to the parking area, an accessible dock, and a viewing platform, to be completed as funding becomes available.

The LRCA has received funding from Environment and Climate Change Canada and the City of Thunder Bay to begin environmental improvements at Mountdale Boat Launch.

The Mountdale Boat Launch public forum will allow LRCA and the Parks & Open Spaces Section to share the results of the online feedback survey, accept additional feedback, and answer any questions about the proposed plans. Interested community members can join LRCA and EcoSuperior after the forum to participate in a Spring-Up to Clean-Up event at the Boat Launch from 2 – 6 pm.

“We encourage the people of Thunder Bay to join us directly on site to view the Concept Plan, ask us any questions they may have and share their feedback.  It will also provide the opportunity to view a summary of the results of the online feedback survey that was done in April,” said Werner Schwar, Supervisor – Parks & Open Space Planning.

For more information and to view the proposed Concept Plan, visit:

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Contact:       Werner Schwar, Supervisor – Parks & Open Space Planning, 625-2806 or 620-7611