May 2, 2016 - The City of Thunder Bay welcomed just over 300 evacuees on Sunday, as planned, from flood-threatened Kashechewan First Nation locate near James Bay.
"The final plane arrived Sunday evening and our guests have settled in to their accommodations," said Dave Paxton, Deputy Fire Chief. "There are a large number of children among the residents, so the City's Recreation & Culture has been engaged to plan activities with the community."

The Evacuation is expected to last eight-10 days; however, river levels surrounding the community are continually being monitored.

The City's response is a coordinated effort under the Municipal Emergency Control Group which includes partnership with the Canadian Red Cross, Indigenous & Northern Affairs Canada, Community Care Access Centre, Local Health Integration Network, and the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management Ontario (OFMEM).

A full cost recovery agreement is in place between Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada and the City.

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Contact: David Paxton, Deputy Fire Chief, 629-8743
                Valerie Marasco, Public Information Officer, 625-2438, cell 621-4151